In writing documentation when referring to punctuation such as a comma, is there a benefit in readability to include the symbol of that punctuation character in parentheses afterwards?
For example, is this sentence:
When you refer to a web address that is long, add a line break before a forward slash (/) if possible.
... more readable than this:
When you refer to a web address that is long, add a line break before a forward slash if possible.
Or is this only adding complexity?
If a user is unfamiliar with the name of punctuation, could they not search for it to understand what it is? On the other hand, adding the symbol is helpful with troublesome punctuation such as colons/semicolons, hyphens, em-dashes, etc.
Would it be more beneficial to only include troublesome punctuation? Or is consistency more practical?
And finally, from a UX point of view, would only the first occurrence of the punctuation symbol be used so as to limit repetition?