If you think you're asking your user too many questions, perhaps consider a way of getting the same info in fewer questions. I think if you ask your user for times, you can calculate where they are and how many times they eat implicitly. I would also have a "tabbed view" for "week day" and "weekend" (not everyone goes to work, but they all have weekdays and weekends)
(Weekdays tab) (Weekends tab)
Wake at 07:00
[x] Leave home 08:00
[x] Return home 18:00
[x] Breakfast 09:00
[x] Lunch 13:00
[x] Dinner 20:00
Sleep at 23:00
Using the times you can know whether they eat (at work) or in the house. You can know how many meals they eat by how many are ticked. If meal size is important make it a choice between big/small/no
rather than a tick of yes/no
There may be the case that the person goes home for lunch even on a work day - if this is important I'd maybe have a "I lunch at home" tick under the "lunch" choice
Consider that a weekday routine and a weekend routine may not differ much; a button for the weekend that copies the habits from the weekday could approximately halve the count of details they have to enter, if they can copy then edit the few differences in that they undertake at a weekend.
If the reason for asking the work/home split is because you think they might have access to better cooking facilities at home, but in actual fact they have access to equivalent facilities at work, it may be worth letting them know that they should answer as if they stay at home all the time.