One place I worked had a group called the Style Council - because of the 1980's British band! :) - but that was more related to centralizing and managing design decisions specifically.
Elsewhere we've had simply a Cross Product Team (smaller company so just one!) or a Community of Practice.
I think I remember hearing of the term 'Quality Planning Team' somewhere - it's quite a nice phrase because it reminds you that you're planning for quality, not just planning for a product.
It seems to be becoming popular to put Ops on the end of any new team structure. Design is no different - From Design Ops — A New Discipline:
Design Ops is essentially the practice of reducing operational
inefficiencies in the design workflow through process and
technological advancements. In short it’s about getting design
improvements in the hands of your users as quickly and with as little
friction as possible.
And yes, ResearchOps is a thing too now. ResDesOps and DesResOps - not yet, but you heard here first folks.
You can basically call your Cross Functional Team or Steering Group whatever you want. As a large org you might have many of them, so best to make it relevant rather than grabbing 'Delta Force' before anyone else does! But don't make it so dry that even the name sounds boring (Interaction Design Council does a bit‽).
Try and make it sound like a little like it's trying to achieve an outcome that's beneficial for users, not (just) the business or the participants. It reminds people why it exists. It's a bit like leaving a yoga mat out all the time where you'd normally work out. It reminds you to do something when you see it.
Customer Experience Strategy team?
CX Strategy?