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A general term used to describe the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible. Accessibility is often used to focus on people with disabilities or special needs and their right of access to entities.

4 votes

Is a hyperlink opening a dialog confusing to screen readers?

See Web Accessibility recommendations, specifically this part: Developers must alert users when a link is used to open a simulated dialog. …
Devin's user avatar
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5 votes

Why do hearing-impaired subtitles describe obvious sounds?

Deaf people may not have been always deaf. What you call mundane may not be mundane for many people, and it adds up to their experience. For example, a screeching door sound may mean something in the …
Devin's user avatar
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1 vote

Do Drop Shadows Count For Accessibility?

Yes, it does from W3C Techniques for WCAG2 If the background or the letters vary in relative luminance (or are patterned) then the background around the letters can be chosen or shaded so th …
Devin's user avatar
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7 votes

Would this design be considered accessible?

I don't know if you have a plan about accessibility scores you need to reach. … This being said, automatic accessibility tools are just a guidance, there's no way to cover all a11y issues automatically. …
Devin's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do you make references accessible?

Let's suppose I have this very basic example (I could have used superscript numbers as well) Accessibility is great* then whatever text or content, then * Book of obvious things Now, how do …
Devin's user avatar
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-1 votes

Best aria-label for hamburger menu?

When the sidebar is collapsed: aria-label="Expand menu" This label informs users that activating the button will expand the menu to show labels. When the sidebar is expanded: aria-label="Collapse men …
Devin's user avatar
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1 vote

Opinions on stretched-links and alternatives?

Another advantage (the main one in my opinion) is that it helps A LOT with accessibility. …
Devin's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Which guideline includes Accessibility when using Nielsen's Heuristics?

Now I never noticed that Nielsen's heuristic doesn't include a clear heuristic criterion for accessibility (and neither does Shneidermann, although we've used "Keep Locus of Control" for accessibility) … Or is there a better rule to group all accessibility concerns? …
Devin's user avatar
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1 vote

Does an input type text with its css display property set to none need a label?

From display: none Using a display value of none on an element will remove it from the accessibility tree. …
Devin's user avatar
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2 votes

Are contrast checkers really accurate?

If someone were to sue a company due to accessibility issues with an application (which has happened numerous times since it is mandatory), lawyers would simply present that formula as evidence, regardless …
Devin's user avatar
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0 votes

Using label and tabindex for non-selectable elements that give context about the page

Yes, you can and you should. Based on your description, the filter elements are the less important ones on the page. The real information is contained in the other elements, so I would focus much more …
Devin's user avatar
  • 38.3k
10 votes

Colorblind: status shapes

Basic shapes are going to be a difficult task, there really isn't a convention on these. As an example: Tristan's hexagon for stop is a circle for me. The obvious answer is "use labels". But if you c …
Devin's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the procedure for measuring color contrast around anti-aliasing?

The aliasing doesn't matter at all in terms of how a browser reads it and accessibility. …
Devin's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Most visible wavelength/ color for mesopic vision

Is there an established study that demonstrates which is the most visible wavelength range under Mesopic Vision conditions? Ideally, they shouldn't refer to Scotopic Vision (since I have enough data f …
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0 votes

Alternatives to a Product Add-On Carousel

I think the carousel hate goes a bit too far. I will not argue about the many reasons why they are bad, because they are bad. But that does not mean they are bad in all cases. As you said, Amazon (and …
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