Something I've been pondering about. The different use cases for mobile and computer based applications.
I have a theory that a large percentage of users will be reluctant to do something too serious on a mobile- the smaller screen and lack of control here induces a sense of unease. Perhaps past experience with low quality apps vs. well done websites could also be a factor.
Familiarity will reduce this. After the first few occasions doing something on a mobile they will become more used to it and more willing to stick at it.
Basically when it comes to doing something on a mobile adoption is hard but retention is high once something is adopted.
Thinking further it could only be that this applies to 'computer first' users and that if you had a kid who has always had a smartphone but rarely touched a computer things would be the complete opposite.
I wonder, does anyone know of any research related to such issues?
Is there anything to my thinking about this serious on mobile-reluctance?