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3 answers

Real time filtering or Wizard steps

At this moment, I'm working on a product finder tool. By answering different questions, you get advice that suggests a product of your interest. So, the answers to questions could lead to different ...
YengarIV's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Interacting with a dynamically sorted list

I currently have a list that will be populated with song requests. Each song request appears as a list item with a title and artist name, and is accompanied with upvote and downvote buttons (similar ...
Hannah He's user avatar
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1 answer

When should a modal-dialog get its real-time data?

I have a page which displays some data stored in a database (furthermore defined as "dynamic data"). A modal-dialog also exists on the page which contains some other related dynamic data. The data is ...
user1032531's user avatar
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2 answers

Designing UX for an In Vehicle Infotainment system

I am working on an In Vehicle Infotainment System. This is one particular use case I am finding difficult to think in terms of UX : There is an IVI system attached in car which can take commands ...
Amit Tomar's user avatar