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39 votes
7 answers

In burger menus, should "Logout" always be at the bottom and why?

I noticed this while using websites that require login/logout - I get used to accessing the "Logout" button at the bottom of the menu. For example: On burger menu, the logout option will always be at ...
corgiiscute's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I show a clear hierarchy in a small space?

I'm making a thing that looks like this: It's a list of pages which have tags. These tags can have a hierarchy, like this: programming | \-> perl | \-> python | | | \-> python 2 | | | ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to allow users to navigate through a large amount of information on a website that is categorised in numerous ways?

As a web developer, I'm often given designs that look good from the web designer, but don't necessarily function as well as they should. This is especially true for navigation elements, increasingly ...
Jamie Hollern's user avatar