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Should search fields be placed inside the container (combo box) or inside the dropdown list?

When the user has to select from many options in a dropdown menu, a search field where the user may input text that filters the options can help find the desired option. There are two UI elements that ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Varying number of categories and subcategories based on options selected

Designing a form where the user needs to select 3-4 levels of categorization. for this, I'm looking at using 4 horizontal combo boxes (refer image below). Depending on what the user selects in box A, ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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3 answers

Best input to select 2 of 4 options

I have a project requirement where our users need to be able to make 1 or 2 selections out of 4 possible options. Along the lines of: What is your favourite food? (Pick up to 2) Pizza Chocolate ...
Dave's user avatar
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how to display nested options within a combo box

If there are a lot of options to choose one from within a single combo box, what's the best way to do it? here's an example of the structure answer category 1 - answer 1 - answer 2 - answer 3 ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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