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15 votes
8 answers

What's a better way to enable a feature – checkbox or dropdown?

Imagine a form where you can enable a feature. After enabling, you have some additional options related to the feature. (A) Would you design a checkbox for enabling/disabling the feature + a dropdown ...
rpavl's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Drop-down Form and Check Box Combined—Bad Practice?

I am working on a form wireframe, and getting stuck on this one part. The user can either pick out an extracurricular involved, or choose "none", if not relevant. Having both a drop down and ...
amj1's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

What is the best way to collect a yes/no answer to a required question?

We've got a form that asks users if they are U.S. citizens. We want to make sure they answer that question. One idea is to make it a checkbox, like this: Are you a U.S. citizen? [ ] Yes, I am a U....
Paul Seymour's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Multiple preferences 3 layers deep

I'm trying to come up with a solution for the problem that is the ability to select multiple preferences with upto 3 layers deep. The primary layer would affect the options shown for layer2, and ...
John Bailey's user avatar
188 votes
18 answers

Why is it impossible to deselect HTML "radio" inputs?

In HTML, there are currently two types of "checkbox" style controls: Checkbox: Allows toggling on/off, multiple values can be selected Radio: Only one value in a group may be selected, does ...
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