There is a number symbol #
so that when you put it in front of a number, it tells that the number is an ordinal number. E.g., #6
means "number 6".
Is there a symbol like that for cardinal numbers? E.g., if put in front of 23
, it should mean "23 in total" or "23 counts".
The following is my use case. It may not be necessary to understand my question.
I have a lot of numbers displayed aside of tags. Some tags have ordinal numbers and others have cardinal numbers. I want to make them distinguishable between ordinal or cardinal. I did to things: (i) write the cardinal number before the tag whereas write the ordinal number after the tag, (ii) put the number symbol #
in front of an ordinal number. Examples are like this:
Example of a tag with ordinary number
[Foo #1] [Foo #2] ... [Foo #23]
[Bar #1] [Bar #2] ... [Bar #17]
Example of a tag with cardinal number
[23 Foo] [17 Bar]
I want to put some symbol in front of these cardinal numbers.