This is a question related to mobile apps UX, and particularly to iOS apps. So, the question is if the screen contains user input fields and does a call over the network when user clicks send button (to get OR send data) then should we disable user interaction on the screen and show activity indicator (progress indicator) until response is received? Of course, navigation bar with back button or/and close screen buttons should be enabled in case user wants to stop doing that. Otherwise is there any real benefit from doing it differently?
This is the way we always handled that and the only thing what we allowed a user to do was to go back or press close the screen. This prevents a user from for example filling out the same fields, pressing send buttons again and etc. However, we could think about disabling all the fields and buttons to prevent multiple accident clicking, but then there's not much to do in such screens anyway (except to scroll if the screen in long and do scroll bouncing). Are there any "Bible" guidelines on that?
I also found an interesting thing in Human Interface GuideLines regarding using activity indicators (UI controls section) :
An activity indicator:
Spins while a task is progressing and disappears when the task completes
Doesn’t allow user interaction
I'm wondering does the last statement confirms that it's normal practice...