I have a web app. On one of the screens I have a grouped list similar to the iPhone address book for example :
Imagine I can tap on Steve Becker and his name changes to Steve Acker. His item will move from the B list to the A list.
Are there any best practices around this type of item movement?
The problem I can foresee is this; if I moving "Jeff Zed" to "Jeff Add" the item will disappear from the viewport. The A item is then inserted way above the viewport off screen. Functionally it's done its job, Jeff's item moved from the Z group to the A group. But the insertion of the A item would cause the viewport to jolt down as much as the height of the new item that was inserted. A nasty UI experience.
I could just adjust the scroll position to cancel out the new item.
Are there any apps you know of that have achieved this behaviour in a pleasing way?