Yes. Users do scroll below the fold - all you need is a balanced approach.
Hero banners are used to trick users, take a pause, read some content, and then scroll down.
How to Ensure that You Use Images Appropriately
Identify and prioritize all the goals of the page — both the user goals, and the business goals (including brand goals.) Is the page
primarily a marketing vehicle to build your brand? Or are most
visitors already familiar with your organization (or at least your
industry vertical), and now need specific content or functionality?
Define how each design element relates to the page goals. Images are usually decorative, and support branding goals. Navigation and
structured search relate to specific user tasks.
Assign visual weight based on goal importance. If a design element supports a high priority goal, it should have more visual emphasis;
conversely, design elements related to secondary goals should have
less emphasis. (This guideline sounds obvious, but is often completely
disregarded, or gets lost along the way to creating a 'modern' looking
Select images that have a strong relationship with brand goals. Remember, the purpose of your site is not just to showcase images
(unless you're Flickr). Instead, the images you select should showcase
the purpose of your site.
Choose striking visuals that capture attention. Once you've identified the goals of your images and their relative importance
among other design elements, and you’ve determined what types of
images relate to these goals — only then should you focus on selecting
the most compelling images you can find.
Be selective about which trends you embrace when 'updating' your site. For many redesign projects, creating a site that looks
'modern' is an important goal. But there are many ways to accomplish
this goal. Typography, layout, and brand colors — just to name a
few—can all be effectively used to create a modern look and feel,
while still providing appropriate emphasis on critical site functions.
Some more factors that make users scroll down are:
1. Navigation Placement
2. The Animating Arrow
3. The Attractive CTA