I'm working on a web application where I have 4 result types of a data and I'm showing all four on the page in same row with same look & feel of divs (can be seen in picture). The Box_D result is calculated using different techniques so I want to show it slightly different from rest of the results (i.e. from Box_A , Box_B & Box_C) but I don't want to change the look and feel of the Box_D. What will be the best approach to design the div such a way which makes user think its somehow different from other results. I have options of adding a lighter shadow, Border , or making the div smaller/bigger than the rest. Which approach will be the best according to user experience perspective? I'll be thankful for your valuable suggesstions.
2 Answers
I would simply separate it a little bit from the group and put a subtle divider in between. White space is a powerful tool for grouping.
1Thank you DasBeasto for your suggesstion..Its really a good idea. +1 Commented Jul 13, 2015 at 16:37
You want to create a class for all divs.
<div class="box"></div>
but for the last div, create an id.
<div class="box" id="rightbox"></div>
then style them via css
.box {
//Your styles
#rightbox {
// your unique styles for the right box
Make sure that you mark conflicting styles as !important in the #rightbox stylings. e.g if you add a different border style.
2I think the question is asking about what's a good way to let users know visually the data in Box D is different than that of the other boxes and not how to implement styling. Commented Jul 13, 2015 at 19:09
Kindly read the question again. I'm not asking about code or ways to implement styling for divs. Commented Jul 14, 2015 at 4:53