At workplace I was asked to design the interface for mobile application (for tablets and mobile phones). I'm not a professional designer so I got stuck already with the colour scheme.
This application considers ecology therefore I think I should use some light green in it. I'm quite sure that if I don't my chief and colleagues will ask "why there is no green in it?" I also expect they won't be completly satisifed with dark green. I must be light, juicy, leaf-like green.
Then I'm not quite sure there's a possibility to include it in any decent colour scheme. I tried online colour scheme designers for websites but for the results that looked nice green was not very vivid.
My main concern is what background should I use. In desktop version we use light green window bars, elements with white (100% white) background. It looks ok, I think mainly because minimal accents in other bright colours (yellow, blue and red) are also present, separated with light gray.
At first I though white background is not a good choice, because it would use more energy (which would be really unwanted in eco application). Then I learnt that using dark scheme can actually take more energy:
The thing is I'm not sure that customers know it and they will still find very bright application wrong. It can be also tyring for the eyes (personal experience). But then if I use dark background (dark grey one, I learnt total black is not so good from here: won't it look funny (too Matrix-like)?
I read about light and dark background advantages and disadvantages:
What are the negative and positive aspects of dark color scheme?
but I'm not sure I should bother so much with prolonged usability, because the most common usage example is turning application for few seconds, choosing some options and going out. I think the most important thing is that its desing would attract people to get interested with our product (I mean larger system, not application only). Also, application will be used indoors only.
Do you think it is possible to include light green in such application? Can you suggest some alternatives?