I am working on a web design project. My client would like to duplicate certain content above and below the fold. I am concerned about the usability impact - but I can't articulate why.
I have already explained that the fold is not a major barrier so long as a user is engaged, and it is clear that the page may be scrolled (that is, it doesn't have horizontal bar design elements). But they are still keen, because the content is easily monetized, though I fear duplicate content could be harmful.
In this case, I don't think users will believe there's some hidden difference between the two groups of content (which is good in some ways). Nor do I think this will have a significant SEO impact. But I do worry that users won't perceive a consistent and well-organized content model, and that will make it harder for them to navigate and understand the page generally.
Has anyone had any experience with the effects of duplicate content in usability tests? What sorts of issues does it raise (if any)?