As UX Designers, we change and create words for things in the UI. Sometimes those are labels, sometimes error messages etc.

I've found it very difficult to keep documentation - say confluence up to date with the correct terms. I would love to be able to insert a token in the documentation that would change a specific term en masse - but I have no idea how this could be done.

This also extends to the UI itself - how have you changed words en masse in an efficient way?

2 Answers 2


Following...I think vocabulary/terminology management software can handle this, but it depends on your technical requirements.

There is a Sketch plug-in called Copy Editor that used to work for this. If you have a CMS, you could use GatherContent. I'd be curious to know re: Confluence as well.


I think you'd need to use the Confluence API for this. You could retrieve the content and post updates to replace the wording as needed.


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