I am developing an android app. I have a fragment where I display incoming data from a device in a chart, I also show information at the bottom of the fragment (extended version of a "chart legend"). But I also want to provide settings to customize that chart - and I don't know where to put them.
My idea was to show a drawer on the right side which contains the settings. I like that idea - but how can I tell my user that the settings are there? I added an menu settings icon to open and close the drawer without swiping (the chart is also "swipeable"/scalable).
- I can show them that there are settings the first time they arrive on said fragment - but it is likely that I do have multiple users which interact with the app. So User 1 knows about the settings, User 2 doesn't.
- Let the drawer "peek" - show a small bit of it everytime. The shown part could either be the "plain drawer" or something like a rectangle with an arrow depending on whether the drawer is opened or not.
And also, does that drawer fall under "good design"/"good ux"/material design guidelines?
Closed drawer:
Opened drawer: