Summary: Currently, our standards are to have green colored buttons for primary actions and links for secondary actions. SomeIn some cases we use red for deletesbuttons, such as for exampledelete actions.
The problem I am havinghave now is that we are findingfind that most people who say they need username help with their username also need to reset their password reset. This would requiremean that the user would have to go through the security process twice, once to get the username and once to getreset the password reset.
The solution was decidedis to giveallow the user the ability to havereset their password reset after completingthey have completed the security process for gettingobtaining the username. OfThis of course this now means that we now have one action to just get just the username, and another action to get the username and get a link to create a new password. I am trying to figure out how to have two primary actions that don't really have a preferred choice.
My startingquestion is: how to have two primary actions that do not really have a preferred choice?
My first mock up-up is below (please ignore the grammar in the text):