I want to create a graphical interface for inputing skill build orders for an RPG game. A skill build is an ordered list of (skill, number) pairs, like this (see footnote):
I have 4-5 skills and the numbers range from 3-5 (and the * wildcard)
Some numbers (1 and *) will be selected more often then others (2,3,4). All skills are equally likely to be selected.
If we choose an asymmetrical design, skills should be prioritized over numbers.
I am primarily interested in obtaining a fast and clean workflow. It is OK if the final result ends up a little complicated or unintuitive.
- (I'm planning on having a default interface that This is really easynot intended to use and just mimicsbe the default interface from the game the build describes. However, this is not optimized for entering a whole build at once so I want this to provide abe faster alternativethen the simple but slow interface where each skill is entered manually for each level.)
For the curious, a pairing like
(A x1) -> (B *) -> (C x2) -> (A *)
can be interpreted as
As a first priority, level up A once
As a second priority, level up B whenever possible
As a third priority, level up C twice
As a fourth priority, level up the remaining levels of A
The main reason for using this is because describing directly what skill to take at each level is longer and less clear:
A, B, C, B, C, B, A, B ... // this is simple, but less clear