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How to tweak the mobile version of these custom fields?

This is how the custom fields in my form look like on desktop: This is on mobile: The delete button (trash can) is supposed to remove the whole custom field (Key, Type, and Value). But in the mobile ...
wyc's user avatar
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Web App - Set a Max Width or Let it Expand Responsively?

Hopefully this is an easy one. I'm designing a web app that contains rows of cards you can horizontally scroll, and a sidebar navigation on the left (think: similar to DoorDash). I notice on my wide ...
Matthew Gelfand's user avatar
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Full width of the textbox on the screen or not [duplicate]

Apologies if this comes as a naive question. From design point of view basically a textbox control (or any control) in a grid container, does it makes sense to have a textbox in fullwidth of the ...
activebiz's user avatar
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Absence planner - UX thoughts and recommendations

I hope you all have some nice Christmas days. I'm currently working on a new and responsive version of our company absence planner using Googles Material Design. As I build it from scratch I would ...
Gerry's user avatar
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Is it bad practice to direct a user to a mobile friendly side of the site on screen resize

I have an html5 application that consists of two different interfaces. The desktop interface demands a minimum of 900 pixels in width to function properly. The mobile version is built in an entirely ...
Colin Rickels's user avatar
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How can I make a mobile app responsive for desktop? [closed]

I am trying to make a desktop version of a mobile app. But not sure how to fill those full width cards to a desktop app.
Talha Talip Açıkgöz's user avatar
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Expectations around developing with responsive design

My company is currently looking at revamping a complex back-end financial operations application that is delivered through a browser. The user base is restricted to employees who are business ...
shobaldur's user avatar
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Device based responsive design instead of browser based

I am creating a website, my real worry is to maintain the layout applicable for both mobile and desktop users. Responsive design is very popular and there are tons of template available on internet ...
Zerotoinfinity's user avatar
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Responsive web design technique in desktop application?

What do you think about using responsive web design techniques in a desktop application? We need more space for large data and since all monitors today are widescreen, it could be good practice I ...
diimdeep's user avatar
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