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2 answers

Big form with blocks within blocks within blocks: how to improve or avoid this?

Apologies if this has been posted before. I'm doing a visual rework on an existing webapp that's essentially a big form with a bunch of form fields, that are divided into sections, subsections, and ...
Eva's user avatar
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3 answers

Presenting missing information on card

I have a multi-step form that requires filling in relevant details in each step. On each step we save the data. If a user leaves the form at any time, the draft will be saved and can be accessed from ...
Ismail Vittal's user avatar
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Form with multiple rows of selectable options displayed on material UI cards, need help with adjusting the design

I have a form that has around 3 rows with selectable cards (only about 3 to 4 options each row). We do not have a UI/UX designer and I want to adjust the UI design but do not have a good idea about ...
S. Sakamoto's user avatar
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2 answers

Userflow for questions based on answers on inspection app

I'm working on a mobile application to help technician to make inspections. They have a lot of question for each task, each question is about an item inspection. When the answer is positive no ...
Woj's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to deal with an excess of white-space in a CRM UI?

I'm designing a CRM-style interface for nurses to help them manage their workflow, and I'm running into a UI issue where, in most use cases, there's kind of an awkward excess of white-space in the "...
Conor's user avatar
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6 answers

How to place 3 textbox in 1140px width of card? There are 2 tabs in card. width is fixed due to content in other tab

The width is 1140px width. The content in tab 1 is more and takes width 1140px. so to maintain consistency can't change or make smaller width Suggest any other layout or better solution Find attached ...
Rohit bhosale's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to display empty fields in a user card?

I'm creating a user widget for dashboard. What is the best way to fill the empty fields here? I can't hide the labels here if they are empty. And if I use "No information available" does it seems ...
Sudeep's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

dynamic credit card forms design

I am looking at the design of credit card entry forms. I have the option of validating the card number to determine the additional information fields on the form like start date and issue number. ...
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