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Two search boxes in the home page will confuse users. Theyusers; they will wander whetherwonder if there are two types of search. Also, by adding a second search you will make the design more complex. You should have as few elements as possible in your design.

If you want to emphasize the search in the home page you can use white space just like googleGoogle does it.

Two search boxes in the home page will confuse users. They will wander whether there are two types of search. Also by adding a second search you will make the design more complex. You should have as few elements as possible in your design.

If you want to emphasize the search in the home page you can use white space just like google does it.

Two search boxes in the home page will confuse users; they will wonder if there are two types of search. Also, by adding a second search you will make the design more complex. You should have as few elements as possible in your design.

If you want to emphasize the search in the home page you can use white space just like Google does.

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Two search boxes in the home page will confuse users. They will wander whether there are two types of search. Also by adding a second search you will make the design more complex. You should have as few elements as possible in your design.

If you want to emphasize the search in the home page you can use white space just like google does it.