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Changed reactive to responsive as it sounds they took your feedback well.
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To track and generate insights from qualitative data, I use dovetail

I find it really simple to use and adapted to my needs. I sent some comments to their team when they were in beta, and they were really reactiveresponsive.

To track and generate insights from qualitative data, I use dovetail

I find it really simple to use and adapted to my needs. I sent some comments to their team when they were in beta, and they were really reactive.

To track and generate insights from qualitative data, I use dovetail

I find it really simple to use and adapted to my needs. I sent some comments to their team when they were in beta, and they were really responsive.

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To track and generate insights from qualitative data, I use dovetail

I find it really simple to use and adapted to my needs. I sent some comments to their team when they were in beta, and they were really reactive.