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Anders's user avatar
Anders's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
49 votes

Cookies - Should the toggles be on?

5 votes

Showing both your answer and the correct answer on UI

3 votes

What's the point of a delayed popup on a webpage?

2 votes

Why, on mobile, is the search box put at the top of the screen?

1 vote

Should keyboard suggestion bar be enabled when typing password?

1 vote

New Features and minimum amount of users

1 vote

Mark Link which blocks accesses from the EU because of the GDPR

1 vote

Tooltip in a table

1 vote

How many types of typeface should I use to make the better user experience?

1 vote

Should I show a confirmation pop-up when removing an item from the shopping cart?

1 vote

User-friendliness vs. conformity (with an app)

0 votes

How can I improve add entry tab?

0 votes

Convention for sorting within a sort on grids

0 votes

Mark or don't mark required fields if all are required?

0 votes

What is better to display the sub categories? Roll-over or click?

0 votes

Do you need an exit or cancel button for a multi-step web-based form?

-1 votes

Should the "Send anonymous usage statistics" checkbox be enabled by default?