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Karri Rasinmäki's user avatar
Karri Rasinmäki's user avatar
Karri Rasinmäki
  • Member for 4 years
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Helsinki, Finland

Programmer of all kind. I love making good software and try and learn new things around computer science.

Most of my experience I have build around web and mobile development - Java, Android and modern web technologies (via JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3) are my long last friends. Other languages I work with are PHP and Python.

Every day I am trying to challenge my skills writing not just the best working but also the most beautiful code and solving problems not just the easiest but the most flexible, practical and error-proof way.

I find interesting the future developments of the Internet, artificial intelligence and machine learning, cognitive science and programming language design principles among other interesting areas from computer and related sciences.


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