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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

any process of arranging items in some sequence and/or in different sets
131 questions
Standards are officially sanctioned guidelines for design.
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For questions about UX in games that would be best answered by UX professionals rather than game developers.
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Keeping a consistent look and feel within an application. For questions about whether to break consistency and when or how to foster a sense of consistency.
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A home page or index page has various related meanings to do with web sites: It is also usually the first page that the link/site takes you to.
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A description of a user archetype that aids designers by allowing them to follow the mindset of specific types of users when test users are not available.
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textual labels applied to content to denote a category, decided either by the creator of content or a user of an application. Common in content rich applications to aid searching.
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A visual element that shows dates organised in a structured manner, often to allow selection of a date or chronologically group information.
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Information is data within a context. It is conveyed through the presentation or representation of the data in one of many different modes.
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Autocomplete involves the program predicting a word or phrase that the user wants to type in without the user actually typing it in completely
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a character string used to represent a location on the Internet that can be typed or accessed by a user. URLs often present in human-readable the organization behind the website and the function of th…
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only for questions related to the iPad device, excluding generic tablet size questions
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text, usually about how to use a program.
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For questions about the process of introducing a new user to an application or website, e.g. with tutorials and registration.
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A diagram showing the relation between different quantities
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Google is a multinational company which evolved from a search engine.
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Questions about how a system informs the user its state or status. How and what a system tells a user about the state of the system can have a meaningful impact on the system's usability.
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A tablet is a mobile computer, larger than a mobile phone, integrated into a flat touch screen .
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for questions related to user accounts (not accounting)
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"Breadcrumbs" or "breadcrumb trail" is a navigation aid used in user interfaces. It allows users to keep track of their locations within programs or documents.
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Handling and explaining errors gracefully so as to have the least negative impact on a user's experience and workflow.
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Placement of interface or informational items such that they line up neatly, which can be used for aesthetic design or to suggest associations between related entities.
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A bounded, self-contained element within the UI that signifies a tightly related set of information and actions.
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An accordion is a stacked list of item references (e.g. labels or thumbnails), where each item can be "expanded" or "stretched" to reveal more content associated with that item. Typically only one ite…
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element that displays various forms of information to the side of an application or desktop user interface
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the process by which information or options are sorted to aid finding items and understanding their relationships to other items.
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Numbers are used to count and calculate.
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a scripting language that allows web pages to present dynamic content to users, such as validation of web forms or automatic saving of data to reduce frustration or to allow visual effects otherwise i…
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Use only for questions related to sorting and item ordering
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Questions relating to the use of the common pointing device.
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the location in time or space of a control or element, position is often controlled to imply meaning or emphasis for an item.
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Different formal and systematic approaches to improving UX and assessing its quality.
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Alternatives for different actions
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Alert is a colloquial term used to define a machine-to-person communication that is important and/or time sensitive. An alert contains user-requested content such as a reminder (important), a notifica…
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Headers are an area of a website found at the top of the page, and traditionally contain elements such as site navigation, logo, and other site-wide controls and elements.
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