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Is it okay to combine Log-in and Sign-up for passwordless/magic-link logins?

Adding to Michael's answer, if we were to keep the flows separate, you can always ask the user to enter a Display Name as well as add an avatar for a new registration. If it is a paid subscription, ...
Ren's user avatar
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Font selection UI

That's a good observation. When I was designing an outcome for a project I always hate the moment when I had to select a font. I think that with the time Adobe did a good job how to reduce frustration ...
Emmanuel Cuevas's user avatar
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Font selection UI

Since users often have a general idea of the style they’re looking for, allow them to filter fonts based on these major categories: Sans-Serif Serif Slab Serif Handwriting Display These styles help ...
Rishi Shah's user avatar
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How to best respect safe area of 16px left/right: Inset design (16px to container) vs full width design (16px to content)

This depends pretty much on two things mainly: The nature of the real contents taste, preference or applied style guide The lorem ipsum does not really convey something to judge about the coherency ...
Antares's user avatar
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Beta has minimal functionality - how to direct users to fully functional version?

If you can provide a well visible banner somewhere: "This panel is in beta stadium and is not fully functional yet. Please use the functionality of the old system instead [Button: Start Old ...
Antares's user avatar
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How to inform users on Scan gun functionality

One very simple solution would be to add icons inside the input field at the far right end for example indicating a "scan gun" and a "camera". Alternatively add a prompt text (the ...
Antares's user avatar
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Page indicator dots - necessary, useful or redundant?

Yea, I typically like to assume the worst. It doesn't hurt to have the pagination indicator there. Another benefit of having the pagination is to instantly show the user how many cards they have on ...
Cozy Bro's user avatar
5 votes

Page indicator dots - necessary, useful or redundant?

From an accessibilty POV: Some users can not "clearly see" your intentions here. Based on your mockup and your post, I suggest you address how you want to present the information represented ...
user1608347's user avatar
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Page indicator dots - necessary, useful or redundant?

I did a quick research and there are two different options vertical stacks and horizontal stacks. What I saw is that digital wallets are more often presented as vertical stacks like apple wallet, ...
Emmanuel Cuevas's user avatar
1 vote

Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

Web app vs Web site There is a strong consensus in other answers that for web sites ctrl+f should not be hijacked. However there is some leeway for content editing applications as webapps (not ...
Peteris's user avatar
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Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

Ctrl + K is also a commonly used alternative to Ctrl + F. Examples:
Magnie Mozios's user avatar
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Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

I am merely a dev and user and this is merely a personal opinion. I have no experience as a designer whatsoever. There are times when I am on a website which uses some form of lazy loading, combined ...
Clockwork's user avatar
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Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

I agree with the other answers here but wanted to add a small addition. In certain web apps like Azure DevOps the default ctrl+f is used everywhere but if you use ctrl+f while focused in a code view ...
Jae's user avatar
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4 votes

Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

Depends on your definition of "acceptable", but if it means "done by a major web app vendor"; you should note that Google Sheets (Googles web spreadsheet app, which is extremely ...
DVK's user avatar
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3 votes

Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

In general I agree with other answers here that CTRL+F should not be redefined. However, you mentioned that this is specifically for infinite scrolling content. In that specific case, redefining CTRL+...
thegreatemu's user avatar
1 vote

Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

What does CTRL+F (usually) do? Thus what do user expect it to do? It searches for the entered string on the currently open page, jumping to the first occurrence and perhaps even showing all ...
CharonX's user avatar
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Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

When you use shortcut keys, you need to make sure they don't interfere with screenreader shortcut combinations. Also, as it's been pointed out several times already, Ctrl+F is already in use. But if ...
user1608347's user avatar
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Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

No. People are used to their existing search that works across all websites. Stripe API documentation overrides CTRL+F behavior and I hate it
Abdullah Gheith's user avatar
2 votes

Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

While I agree with GWv's answer, you may want to consider this alternative. I recall using a site that hijacked the CTRL+F feature by showing their own search dialog, but at the same time had a ...
Amer's user avatar
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20 votes

Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

CTRL+F has an important feature by default in that it does not change page content: No elements of the page appear, disappear, or change content when typing and submitting find queries. Focusing a ...
Kroltan's user avatar
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31 votes

Can it be acceptable to take over CTRL + F shortcut in web app?

I would always tell people in my team (and remind myself) to be very very careful overriding any default browser behavior and only go for it if you are certain its an improvement. Through testing and ...
GWv's user avatar
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Is scrolling inside a modal bad when it doesn't look like there is more information to view?

I once worked on a project for a banking client where the PO wanted to make the application process smoother. For him, that signified that you could feel that you didn't need to open a page to apply ...
Emmanuel Cuevas's user avatar
1 vote

Can we transfer insights about user expectations from physical world UIs to online UIs?

The problem here is what you correlate between the real world and the computer GUI world. I think a door handle and a button are not the same things among those worlds. A door handle might not have an ...
Antares's user avatar
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Tray Icon application with pops up alerts

There are some well-defined patterns for this, like MacOS stacks more than one notification upon each other with the total number of notifications mentioned in it. Clicking the stack should expand it ...
SVAR's user avatar
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