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14 votes

Why is the Google Search Results page not responsive?

Responsive design is best practice, except for the most high-end websites Responsive, mobile-first design gets you the most “bang for the buck” for most web sites or applications. Effectively you can ...
Tim Grant's user avatar
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4 votes

Best way to make a menu responsive

I think your best option is to throw away the current design and start over, I can't see how the UX can ever be anything other than terrible. Sorry. This is not a user-friendly solution and makes it ...
Seth Warburton's user avatar
3 votes

Should I include a "back" button on a responsive website?

It's important to recognize the difference between an "back in hierarchy" button (also called an "up button") and a "back in time" button. A "back in time" button is what you find in web browsers and ...
Tin Man's user avatar
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3 votes

Huge data in table in responsive email

You can try two different UX behaviors: 1. What we call "Information rows or cards" with information hierarchy defined with client by a simple card sorting. The information cards can contain several ...
Juan Carlos Ferraris's user avatar
3 votes

Footer menu same as Menu

I see the footer and header links like the pagination of a data table. If you need to scroll to the top every time to get to the next page, that is a problem for the user. So you define a second ...
Taha Paksu's user avatar
2 votes

How should a download button be deprecated for mobile?

It completely depends on the data you are serving to users. Let's suppose you're offering them to download simple PDFs/Word Docs/Spreadsheets – then the user should be allowed to download that data, ...
Himanshu Aggarwal's user avatar
2 votes

How can I make a mobile app responsive for desktop?

Use the grid system to line the cards and set breakpoints. Because you're using Semantic UI, you've got the tools right there. Instead of your cards flowing way too wide, add the right breakpoint. On ...
Mike M's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is the Google Search Results page not responsive?

TL;DR: A different design, even if more convenient, might make the user loose the familiarity with Google brand. Very interesting question. Even when a design might be more convenient, user-...
Alvaro's user avatar
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2 votes

Acceptable length of video for mobile?

According to Wistia video analytics, the longer the video, the more likely user attention span will lower. I think anything between 0 to 1 minute is perfect. A little more would also be okay if you ...
RobbyReindeer's user avatar
2 votes

Comfortably legible base font-size?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines recommend that any web font sizes be adjustable by the user. For large fonts WCAG says: "The actual size of the character that a user sees is dependent both ...
RobC's user avatar
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2 votes

Huge data in table in responsive email

Sounds like 2 separate problems. The boss doesn't understand the purpose of email or the concept of User Experience. See other questions and answers for that, e.g. How do you persuade an organization ...
Nathan's user avatar
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2 votes

Navigating a double top bar

An interaction I have seen in such a case is that your 2nd nav bar disappears as the user is scrolling down, but re-appears as soon as they start scrolling back up again, no need to scroll all the way ...
celinelenoble's user avatar
2 votes

Which is best alternative design of a table which having only 2 column to display in UI with one edit button. Please advice me

If you have a 2 column list with key-value pairs then you could use a ‘description list’ (<dl>). Something like this: It gives you the layout you're after while also being able to adapt nicely ...
Adam Silver's user avatar
2 votes

Feedback - does designing for 2 layouts (mobile plus desktop above 1200px) seems appropriate?

Based on the UIKit Size on Apple HIG (see, the largest pixel width is 1024. So I think your lead ...
Eric Chia's user avatar
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1 vote

How to show dual list in responsive

It is better to provide the "working" list as a basis and show the list with all items only when needed. There are two actions which I would separate and avoid confusion between the two lists: Order ...
jazZRo's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it bad practice to direct a user to a mobile friendly side of the site on screen resize

It isn’t necessary to use a different website url for mobile screen sizes. Simply hide and reposition elements to turn the page into mobile-friendly on certain screen size (or whatever method you use ...
Mattush's user avatar
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1 vote

Should I include a "back" button on a responsive website?

I would suggest leaving browser controls to the browser and focusing on navigation in general. Make it easy for your users to get where they need to go and 'back' is less of an issue. If your site ...
Refe's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it ok to have a bottom tab bar on a website?

If it is a progressive web app, you absolutely can use a fixed bottom nav, because you can treat your UI like it's native if it has an offline mode and is using service workers. PWA's are more evolved ...
Anthony Delserro Jr.'s user avatar
1 vote

Best practice for responsive vertical side menu

To know what's the common approach to responsive menus, simply look at how it's usually done in mobile apps. I see two main strategies used in Android that are also the most common in mobile websites: ...
ecc's user avatar
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1 vote

How to use anchor tags in mobile?

There can be multiple approach to solve this problem, It will depend upon which action you want to take base of importance of each tabs. If you want to each and every tabs at same time and can't ...
dhunmoon's user avatar
1 vote

Huge data in table in responsive email

For starters, tabular data laid out in tables is, inherently, not responsive. That's not necessarily a bad thing if the data makes the most sense staying in a large table. Sometimes panning and ...
DA01's user avatar
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1 vote

Responsive secondary and tertiary navigation

I keep sharing this a lot lately, but I think it might work:
Mike Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

How do we convey a web page or app for different age groups?

It's important to remember that regardless of the targeted demographic, simplicity in UX is valuable. You're correct in saying that designing for children generally involves brighter colors and larger ...
William Anderson's user avatar
1 vote

UX Themes for thesis

If you want a challenging theme then go for VR(virtual reality) domain or some other devices where UX field is least explored and there will be lots of fun and you will have great future
uttham's user avatar
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How to deal with components in a responsive design being larger at smaller breakpoints?

It sounds like you may just be moving this element into the top bar at too small of a breakpoint, if the 328 space is compressing the content too much. You may want to add a custom breakpoint that ...
Michael Histen's user avatar
1 vote

How to deal with components in a responsive design being larger at smaller breakpoints?

Seems like you are actually looking for "element queries", that currently don't exist, instead of media queries. So you want to change behavior according to the actual banner width. Recently there ...
TORN's user avatar
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using Iframe and allowing responsiveness

Here is what I have: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <head> <title>Website Designs We Have Available to Start With<...
Richard Jones's user avatar
1 vote

using Iframe and allowing responsiveness

There is an example by Rik Flink @ that works nicely. Change out the youtube url with (your own link may have origin issues depending upon your use ...
Ashley's user avatar
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1 vote

Best way to show scrolling menu?

You could use an accordion menu, where each section is collapsable. This way the user can more easily keep the overview of the content - he does not have to scroll to the top of the page in order to ...
Anna Prenzel's user avatar
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