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How to Choose Between Radio Buttons and Checkboxes for a Multi-Page Form with Required Fields?

Unselected radio-group is fine. Go with a radio-button or a drop-down: Radio: Unselected by default, with a "way out" option (e.g. None); Drop-down: "Please select" preselected as ...
Alex Marcevoi's user avatar
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Can radio act as check box, allow deselection?

There is no formal specification that disallows clicking on the checked radio button to uncheck it. But the W3C pattern for an accessible radio button group states that a selection is mandatory: Some ...
jazZRo's user avatar
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One checkbox or two radio buttons? Is there a case where both are acceptable?

The article you link to already touches on this point: bias. There are two cases: Tri-state Both checkboxes and radio button groups can be "tri-state", at least at their initial state: ...
Pablo H's user avatar
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2 votes

Can radio act as check box, allow deselection?

{after reading the comment section between Sergey and Ren} Theres no "formal specification" for it – but so is the entire world of UX – nothing has "FORMAL" specs to it – Design is ...
Kish's user avatar
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