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17 votes

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

I believe 320 points wide is not an unreasonable width in 2019 because: iPad apps in split view (including Safari) can be 320 points wide. iPhone SE^ (which was sold new within the last year) has a ...
Barnyard's user avatar
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5 votes

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

I can only speak from personal project experience for a multi million pound website re design. We're designing with 320 mobile in mind as a worse case scenario for mobile screen sizes. It may be a ...
colmcq's user avatar
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5 votes

Which mobile devices do you NOT optimize mobile responsive for?

I think this is missing the point. The idea of being responsive means that the site/app adapts to clearly display its contents at any reasonable size. Designing for each individual device vastly ...
maxathousand's user avatar
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5 votes

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

Only 1%-1.5% of our users utilize a screen width less than 360. That's a lot of energy wasted to design for 320 when the number of users is so low. That's not a good ROI.
Roux's user avatar
  • 51
4 votes

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

The difference between 375px and 320px is really not that much: it sounds to me like your design isn't truly responsive and is purely using fixed breakpoints. I have yet to find a situation in which ...
James Coyle's user avatar
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3 votes

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

It all depend on our target user as we are designing our app for small town and as we research, we find that our target audience are using 320 devices so that we have to design for them because we don'...
Baldev Singh's user avatar
3 votes

Language selector position on mobile device

I'm not sure why you want to provide this option, because the majority of apps refer to the default language user sets while setting up her/his phone for the first time - the operating system language....
Dipak's user avatar
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3 votes

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

I had been designing at 375 for many years then recently started designing for 320 and I totally hate it. It's just so narrow! Though I like to make sure everything looks alright and the messaging is ...
Alyssa Tucker's user avatar
3 votes

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

I always wondered the same. I checked our GA on today I saw that more than 5% of users are still on some kind of 320x? resolution. After some research I found out that using Figma and it's ...
Sgfrd's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

How can I better convey the idea of "message sent"?

Once user hit send(Checkmark in your design), you should move to a sent messages screen or a conversation view. Also, hide keyboard.
Pankan's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

How can I better convey the idea of "message sent"?

Judging by the context of the title bar, this seems to be a modal-type interface. When the user hits "send", you should wait until confirmation that the message has been sent. If it was, ...
Elijah Ciali's user avatar
2 votes

Should we enforce the user login at app startup?

Depends on the context. And as for best practices, I don't think there is a yes or no answer to this. But there are definitely best practices around the login experience itself. Let me illustrate '...
harshikerfuffle's user avatar
2 votes

Should we enforce the user login at app startup?

It is very app dependent. A question to consider - what can an anonymous user accomplish. If you have some store, definitely allow to windowshop to get them hooked before they actually sign up. Same ...
Armands Ķirītis's user avatar
1 vote

Minimal height for a responsive design without scrolling

After struggling with multiple calculations, I was grateful to finally find a solution, which was also thanks to Chat GPT. Here's my approach: rather than trying to determine the minimum height, I ...
AllahWe Trust's user avatar
1 vote

Choosing a "Post Type" from a Grid and move to next step

I think your suggestion is too confusing and not a known pattern for the user. Creativity is good, but UX & UI have to be consistent to users' expectations. (Without knowing the context of your ...
Big_Chair's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I better convey the idea of "message sent"?

If you're thinking only in terms of icons, then I guess you could use a paper plane for the "send" icon; this way, you can reserve the "check" icon for representing the "Sent&...
jamalchk's user avatar
1 vote

How can I better convey the idea of "message sent"?

I like the way WhatsApp resolves this: 1- sent 2- received 3- read I think it's in the user's mental model when the color changes then it means "READ" so I would do it the other way around: ...
Faus's user avatar
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1 vote

How to display selected item in scrollable horizontal list

You could just set an opacity to all other cards except the candidate one. If you don't like this approach I think all solution could be accepted. It's very dependent on the whole layout so you can't ...
Davide's user avatar
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1 vote

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

In my opinion, this is an accessibility issue. Should you design for a viewport width of 320px, probably not because market share for that size is very low. Should you make sure it renders ...
Bogdan YU2DBC's user avatar
1 vote

Is 320px wide designs still relevant? (responsive web)

I agree with Baldev Singh. It all depends on your target users, personas, or whatever term you use. Every time I do a website redesign for my clients, I always ask them to provide me their Google ...
Andryan Tresna's user avatar
1 vote

Selecting multiple hour ranges per day on mobile device

I would suggest using a calendar day view, like in the Apple and Google Calendar apps - no need to reinvent the wheel. With different colored blocks, you could even show which slots have been ...
cpimhoff's user avatar
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1 vote

Should I provide multiple style guides for responsive design?

Regardless of how many guides you provide, they just need to be in the one place that is easily accessible to the developers. The more flexible strategy is to help developers understand how to adapt ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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