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Maximum width of a tag

Tags typically are displayed together to provide weak but indexable context regarding the post. The information inside the tags is as important as the group as a whole. That is to say, for a typical ...
Leo Wattenberg's user avatar
2 votes

Why does adding text to my design make it looks so bad?

Three solvable issues, all of which have to do with typographical variations that, in the end, are the generators of contrast. Family Size Weight Tilt Broad Color In the image example, it's clearly ...
Danielillo's user avatar
  • 19.8k
1 vote

wrong UX design process?

I'm unsure if I need to take every design task through a complete design thinking process. Because you are feeling overwhelmed, understand that there is nothing wrong with your design process, but ...
Ren's user avatar
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1 vote

wrong UX design process?

UX Design was definitely very overwhelming in the beginning! Great work landing your first fulltime position! <3 As for a specific process, there isn't one single process that all designers follow, ...
Beryl's user avatar
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Neutrals in web design and how to pick them

A pretty standard model at the moment is to do something like Material's color scale system, where you pick a primary, secondary, and neutral color, and then make gradations that you'd assign a number ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
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Make the Information part better in a cat profile

Increase the contrast on your greys (darker text). Probably don't italicize the main title. Use some iconography for easier visual skimming. ♂️ Male, etc. (Ideally an icon font rather than emojis ...
Luke Sawczak's user avatar
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Maximum width of a tag

When it comes to defining the size of each element the rule of thumb is to see if the element is clickable or not? So in your case because the tags are supposed to be clickable, I would say the size ...
Sepas's user avatar
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