My first question here and I feel like it's rather opinion based, but this SE site still confuses me. Anyway, I looked for `ellipsis` in the q&a here and found nothing related to my problem, nor a tag related to such design snowflakes. So my environment is this: * standard Windows `cmd.exe` environment i.e. `80`*`25` characters * script installs some application for ~5minutes with pauses to notify the user about what's going on (**edit**) and I `echo` statements to the console in a shape like this: > Some string <= 80 characters... Notice the ellipsis at the end. The whole echoed string remains in a single line i.e. it doesn't exceed the `80` character width. My question is, should I remove the `...` i.e. is it a distraction, or is it an OK thing to do? The ellipsis in such an echo was intended as a mark of progress such as: * `Installing...` * `Loading...` * `Looking for...` * `Downloading...` * `Running...` * `Launching...` * `XYZing...` On the other hand, sometimes there's more than a single `echo` in such a shape e.g.: Downloading... Installing... Looking for... Installed correctly! <----- some kind of end for the echos or in this shape: Downloading... Installing... <long log from installing> etc...