That **depends on the type of suggestion** the autocomplete options are suggesting.  

Take Chrome for example.  If I type in a term and it is suggesting a **search term**, which will take me to the **search results** page, it looks like this:   
![enter image description here][1]

But if the suggestion is for an actual **URL / resource**, which will take me to that URL / resource, then it looks like this:  
![enter image description here][2]

There is a clear differentiation between items that are a search suggestion and those that are a resource.  It would waste my time to take me to the search page when I have accepted an item suggestion.  At the same time, then only logical place to take me for a search suggestion is the search results page.

So, as long as it is **clear what type of suggestion** you are making, you should **display the most relevant type of page** for the type of item being suggested.
