I have a top main menu visible on all my pages.
The first partof the menu contains 4 inputs to set the start date + hour (2 inputs) and the end date + hour (2 inputs). This defines my period.
The second part of the menu is 8 dropdowns with a total of 30 options. There are grouped following a certain pattern determined by the former developer and I cannot really give them a name. The all have the first option pre-selected. Each options will show some data (present between the range selected) on a map just below the menu.
After selection the dates, hours and one option - A "validate" button appears below.
I would like to find an easiest way to create this menu.
Only show the 4 inputs aligned on 1 line and one button on the second line which would be "Select data" or "Select option".
This button will open a popup with a search bar and all the options as small button. The user will then have a general view of all the option and easily find what he need thanks to the search bar. After clicking on the option, the popup closes and the data are shown
Is it a good way to show the menu ?
User should have the possiblity to edit the dates only