Questions tagged [wpf]

Windows Presentation Foundation, a Microsoft graphical system for rendering user interfaces for the .NET 3.0 development framework.

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6 votes
2 answers

Alternate row in Microsoft Modern UI (Metro)

Can I use alternate colors for rows using Metro design guidelines? And if I've multiple ListBox in the same view which is the suggestion? Can I use alternate colors (the same for each control)? I ...
Matteo Migliore's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

How to best represent a ToggleButton (representing on/off) with the ability to be locked

I'm designing a ToggleButton control that has the ability to be in a locked state in which user interaction will not be able to further toggle the control. In general I would like the button to appear ...
jpierson's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

If the 'delete' key deletes, what key inserts?

I have an application with a standard data grid in which each row represents an object. Our current application uses F6 and F7 for add and delete, respectively. I'd like to keep these around for our ...
James Cronen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to align a Date/Time in a field?

I have some issues about choosing how to align a Date/time data type in a field. Which is the best way to align this type of date and why? Right or left? P.S We use WPF. [------25.03.2015] or [25.03....
Mini's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Logical Operator Icons

I'm building a WPF UI for configuring some complex business rules; each rule can have many conditions, so I figured I would include a drop-down list of logical operators so that the user could have ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

UX Patterns for Multi-Monitor Thick Client Apps

I am building an application (Thick Client/WPF) that will run on systems that vary in specifications from a single monitor to multiple monitors. I am trying to think through the navigation and screen ...
Paul's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Ideal visual weight of indicators such as dropdown triangle

I am working on a software where the UI is designed by a manager instead of UI experts. This has lead to many problems and inconsistencies in the visual design, user expectations and standards of the ...
Wilbert's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Form design for CRUD actions

Should CRUD actions such as Add a new item, Update an existing item and View item details be on the same form? what's the preferred approach to let the user know "where is he \ what is he currently ...
Yoav's user avatar
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