Questions tagged [web-app]

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2 answers

Do we need to provide pagination for a directory structure?

In a typical web UI, pagination is usually provided for lists. However, I would like to know whether it makes sense to provide pagination for a tree structure like a directory structure since it may ...
bin's user avatar
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2 answers

Bug tracking add new bug screen correct positioning of fields

Below is my add new bug screen, I have the following fields, with the below layout. I want to add an another field called "project:" which will be a a drop down filled with all project name assigned ...
Yasser Shaikh's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does Google use `user-select: none;` on the text in their google meets web app?

Whenever I'm reading a webpage, I often double click text to orient myself on the page (and for something to do I guess). I recently landed on after a meeting and was ...
Gus Bus's user avatar
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5 answers

How should UX designers review the completed web application and prepare a report about it?

How Should a UX designer review the completed app? What are the main credentials and How do you report if something is not working like expected? Do you have some check-list during your review or a ...
Mert Can Karakuş's user avatar
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2 answers

How to present users with multiple service options?

We currently have a marketplace that allows users to create a project, enter specs and service providers fulfill the service. We want to show a new option on our website which is to provide a ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing between privacy type of profile attributes

The privacy settings page will list all the user profile attributes like Name, Age, School, Work, Hobbies, Contact Info etc. sans their values. The user can then choose which of the attributes to make ...
Slartibartfast's user avatar
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3 answers

How should I handle search when data keeps updating via websockets?

I have a real time news feed that keeps updating via websockets Lets say you went to the search bar and typed new york I will fetch all 'new york' related articles from the database But since I am ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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2 answers

What objective arguments can be provided to prove that a colour scheme for an app is bad?

We have a design for an app developed by an external agency and our business people seem to be happy with it. But it’s really terrible - the colours are too bright, the text is difficult to read and ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

What's good UX for selecting an item from a list of potentially 20k+ items?

Each client using the site has different options in that list, gotten from the client themselves. A normal select field works for most clients (who have between 5-10k options). A few, though, go all ...
dannytatom's user avatar
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1 answer

Expected behaviour after file upload

What is the expected behavior of a file uploader, after the file is uploaded? Here is a use case where the expectation of the users depend on the current status. The user sees a large list of files ...
Nico O's user avatar
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1 answer

How to manage a dashboard displaying resources production/consumption?

Let me explain the context. The user has a list of Factories. Each Factory produce 1 to 5 Resources. For producing a resource, the factory consume 1 to 3 resources. I need to give an overview of all ...
Alex's user avatar
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