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Questions tagged [voting]

A system by which users can individually vote on items. Often used to determine a consensus on the quality or correctness of an item.

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2 answers

Explaining the outcome of voting on budget

I hope this question is on-topic here; apologies if it is not. I develop a system for a student association, that lets the students participate in determining the association budget. Each student has ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What would be the best way to display like and dislikes?

Currently my website has a feature to like and dislike posts. What would be the optimal and most user friendly solution to show the likes and dislikes? A total score (Likes - Dislikes) A like score ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote
2 answers

Lightweight way to gather feature requests from users and let them vote?

To have a user-driven roadmap for my app, I am looking for a tool that let's them suggest and vote on ideas. Something like Canny: But since I only have a small community, I don't need any crazy ...
Big_Chair's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Best time to ask if a search was good/bad

We have a internal document system where call center people search in real time while on calls for some specific files, or more accurately some information in the files. After the user clicks to the ...
John A Curtis's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

In a survey, will the color of the thumbs for choices bias the responses?

Many companies add satisfaction surveys to their emails and thank you pages. In the case of a thumbs up/thumbs down survey, is it smart to use color to increase the amount of responses? I see two ...
elecorpar's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Best way to handle browser "back" functionality for a voting webapp

The context is a single page webapp with a section that allows users to vote on content. The votable content is loaded via ajax. The webapp itself implements the back button using the HTML5 history ...
ahron's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Proportional voting

Suppose we have a vote widget. There are four possible options: Vote for the proposal Vote against the proposal Abstain (i.e. neither for nor against) Veto the proposal (i.e. very strongly against) ...
Algy Taylor's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Location of upvote/downvote with pagination and share buttons

I have been working on a project in which users will be able to submit their articles. Currently I have been testing on classic stories and here is a sample on website. Currently I have put demo ...
Abhijeet Panwar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the value to the user of having "open" and "closed" status for questions on a Forum?

I am creating a Question and Answer forum for a client and am thinking twice about including an "open", "answered" or "closed" status to opposed to having these conversations just pan ...
Diego Rotalde's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Binding downvote to two clicks

I can remember that in the early days of the current comment system of Youtube, downvote button at comments had no effect unless you had a double-click on those. Indeed, this prevented, let's say, "...
Zoltán Schmidt's user avatar
15 votes
8 answers

How to position Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down with progression on one line

Problem I have this argument with one of my clients, about the position of like dislike button with the progress in between. Like the screenshot below. I've always thought that it makes the most ...
rojcyk's user avatar
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1 answer

user voting reset

I'm making a user voting system, I'm thinking if I should allow the user to take back their up vote or down vote. Obvious reasons for allowing users to do that would be because they changed their ...
Abu Nooh's user avatar
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3 answers

Voting for "winners" after a fantasy sports draft

For a fantasy sports draft app, I'm trying to design a voting system where winners receive trophies in categories like "most lopsided trade", "best overall draft" and "best draft steal". The voters ...
sheldonbaker's user avatar
48 votes
5 answers

Should edits affect upvotes/likes?

Suppose there is site with an upvote/downvote (like SE) feature, or a "liking" feature (like Facebook). A user posts something to this site and other users can cast their vote on it. Now suppose the ...
DasBeasto's user avatar
  • 15.4k
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5 answers

When voting, should the positive option be on the left or the right?

On my website, users can vote on whether they like or dislike various things, and then they can write either positive or negative opinions. Historically, has positivity been associated with the right-...
Jeff Caros's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to best understand users' emotions?

A company I'm working for offers widgets for measuring users' emotional reactions to web content (mainly articles). We found that 5 reaction choices was the optimal amount, and currently we offer ...
user69592's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to make meaning of upvote clear?

By large there could be two meanings of (up-)voting when scores are shown- 1) I like this. 2) I think it should have more score. Both are two separate things. Both calls two separate usability ...
travis bickle's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Should voting buttons on SE float down when scrolling?

SE is A/B testing a new solution where the voting buttons on an answer remain visible as you scroll down. (I apologize for the running gif, it's super annoying, but it does the job). Apparently the ...
Vitaly Mijiritsky's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

User involvement by voting/ranking

I am trying to find a tool where I can allow users to vote on which features we should priorities to develop. Important is that I decide what ideas they should to be able to vote for and it could be ...
Signe Skelgaard's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to show the result of a simple yes/no feedback vote?

I have a FAQ/Knowledgebase for a product where I wish to collect simple visitor feedback about each entry if they found it useful or not. It would primarily for me, so I can improve the answers and or ...
Firsh -'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to use "Like" vs "Dislike" ratings correctly?

So, this is the scenario, you have an article and you can vote 0 - 5 in the "Like" scale and you can also vote 0 - 5 in the "Dislike" scale. How would you resolve this in best and simplest way?
Bruno Felício's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Effects of vote weighting for proven users in mature, gamified sites like Stack Exchange

Given the following two users in a Stack Exchange like system, both of whom we can reasonably deduce will exist in a successful, mature system: User A, who just signed up to the site and has as yet ...
Toni Leigh's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Editing functionalities in a voting system

In the current design, the voting system allows users to CRUD votes. What concerns me now is the editing part. Suppose a user created a new topic with 4 choices. All votes casted by different users ...
S.C.'s user avatar
  • 123
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1 answer

Weighted voting based on user experience

What are the issues of using a weighted voting system* based on the user comment score in sites like Reddit? * A weighted voting system is one in which the preferences of some voters carry more ...
Loren's user avatar
  • 21
19 votes
7 answers

Like vs "Did you find this review helpful?"

For a site like IMDB in which users write reviews, is it preferable to allow users "Like" a review( e.g. or answer "y/n" to the question "Did you find this review helpful?"?
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to influence effect of single vote on a like/dislike bar?

I'm making a simple rating system, just like youtube has: This works great if you have a big userbase, but it's too sensitive with just a few votes. Say the first vote is down, no green bar will be ...
Martijn's user avatar
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1 answer

Require users to sign up or login to upvote or downvote review items on a user-generated content site?

I'm trying to get more people to rate products on a video game ratings and review website. Will allowing non registered users to upvote/downvote the reviews increase engagement and sign ups? in other ...
Jordan Reiser's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

What UX is appropriate for alternative voting on a PC and Mobile device?

I need to design a UX that allows for IRV or alternative voting (aka ranked vote) These illustrations were the first concepts I've encountered. . Has anyone come across a UX for IRV voting that ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do you deal with voting scores after edits?

I have an application where users can vote on the accuracy of certain item information. For example, users could vote on if the address/location of an organization is correct or not. Users can also ...
you786's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Use of color for YouTube voting buttons

I am try to learn good UI design and have been looking through examples like YouTube to see how and why they do things. The design behind the voting buttons is confusing me. When the up vote button ...
Monkey Code's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How does the YouTube 2014 voting system work? [closed]

As of this post, YouTube users on the site to upvote/downvote comments below videos. What confuses me is that the # of upvotes are visible while downvotes aren't ever visible. What advantage does it ...
Carl Edwards's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Percent vs. Numeric Values for Voting Systems

I plan on building a voting system for rating objects using a thumbs up or a thumbs down. The question is this does it entice users to vote more when viewing the total amount of votes represented as a ...
Carl Edwards's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to create a fair voting system for a feature request database?

On my product website, I'd like a public feature request database. Users can vote on feature requests by upvoting. People can vote on as many features as they like. The problem is, there are around ...
user39727's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How best to display a picture comparison in IOS?

SO I want to allow my user to compare two pictures and decide between one or the other through a thumbs up/down. I also have a list of these, so there are multiple 'cards' with this comparison and my ...
praks5432's user avatar
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Star rating and possibility to remove or change user's vote

I'd like to add star voting into my project but there is the need to allow users to edit their votes. My idea is to add a reset button or just (much more complicated) allow a user to hover over ...
croogie's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Are downvotes/dislikes useful if not highlighted?

I was watching a video on youtube and noticed their like/dislike bar. They have had this new design for quite some time now. In the earlier youtube, the dislike bar would be red and distinctly visible....
rk.'s user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What design principles and/or guidelines we should use for vote-up/vote-down and counters?

Several times I have clicked the icons next to the counters totals (vote-up/vote-down) on YouTube while trying to vote up or like a video. What are the design guidelines and/or principles for placing ...
Ramón García-Pérez's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Vote Up/Down and adding to favourites

I have a big dilemma. I'm creating an application in which users can do almost the same thing that on Instagram (in 'Photo view' terms, they can just Comment a photo or add it to favourites using a ...
mbajur's user avatar
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2 answers

Social rating tool

I'm thinking of adding a like/favourite feature on my project but I'm currently finding it hard to choose a suitable social rating tool. I've spent days trying to think of an innovative rating tool, ...
Tommy Adey's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Should a limited number of votes be represented with buttons or tokens?

I'm working on a website on which each character of a cartoon has a score, and the user can choose a given fixed number of characters to "hurt" and to "heal" (a user can only hurt so many characters ...
fernozzle's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Show the current votes before or after voting?

When votes are shown before someone votes, there seems to be crowd mentality that results in the post with the most votes (usually the first answer) getting disproportionally more votes - even when ...
JohnGB's user avatar
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3 answers

"Likes" vs "Vote Up" For Sharing Content

If content-curation comes from the users for a consumer-facing site and there's no "down-vote" option, are "likes" better or "votes" better? Here's my thoughts: "Like" provides a more friendly and ...
aroooo's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Yelp Like Adjective Rating System

I am building a website that has users list their outdoor adventures (skydiving, surfing, base jumping, etc) and the other people can comment on them. I want to have a rating system like Yelp which ...
clifgray's user avatar
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2 answers

Electronic voting UI - got any (good) examples?

I can't seem to find any screenshots of (preferably good) electronic voting systems. I mean the kind that's used in elections. Any ideas where I can find one?
Barak Danin's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Handling Complex Voting System

I'm wireframing a semi-complex voting model for an award website where the user can vote for a nominee. Where it is complex is there are multiple divisions for the groups of nominees. It's laid out ...
Kyle's user avatar
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34 votes
10 answers

How do you make users vote objectively and not from emotions?

I've seen on Youtube many informative videos on massacres and natural disasters where users don't vote objectively. Rather, they vote based on their emotions, which is why these videos always have a ...
JoJo's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the best solution to show the average results of a review?

I have a reviewing system that I've designed which uses three possibilities to review (using emotional icons) Works really nice, but I have also to publish the average of the reviews. I was ...
Chris X's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Voting System - Which Symbols to use

A lot of sites out there allow their users to either vote-up or vote-down content to determine both it's quality and relevance (just like this one!). My question is which set of symbols would be more ...
Vin Burgh's user avatar
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2 answers

Where to place voting buttons on posts?

I am making a little question site like Yahoo Answers and I am going to have a voting system on it. But I am stuck on where I should place the up/down vote buttons. I have it in the right corner right ...
Nathan's user avatar
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1 answer

Best Layout for an "Object" Voting System?

I'm more of a developer and less of a designer and I'm currently working on a website that will display a list of books and will allow users to vote for their favorite book (or add a new one if their ...
JToland's user avatar
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