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Questions tagged [voting]

A system by which users can individually vote on items. Often used to determine a consensus on the quality or correctness of an item.

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22 votes
5 answers

What is the best voting system

I'm wondering what is the best voting system for site that have ranking like top 10 / top 100. Like/dislike stars rating (from 1 to 5) single thumb up thumb up/thumb down What you think?
jcubic's user avatar
  • 347
19 votes
7 answers

Like vs "Did you find this review helpful?"

For a site like IMDB in which users write reviews, is it preferable to allow users "Like" a review( e.g. or answer "y/n" to the question "Did you find this review helpful?"?
Alex's user avatar
  • 423
15 votes
5 answers

Why is the "dislike" button going into extinction?

I've noticed that Facebook and now Google+ only have a "Like" (or +1) button, in spite of users wanting a "Dislike" button. This seems to be a bit of trend. Disqus also dropped their dislike vote - ...
NullUserException's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Show the current votes before or after voting?

When votes are shown before someone votes, there seems to be crowd mentality that results in the post with the most votes (usually the first answer) getting disproportionally more votes - even when ...
JohnGB's user avatar
  • 68.6k
2 votes
2 answers

Social rating tool

I'm thinking of adding a like/favourite feature on my project but I'm currently finding it hard to choose a suitable social rating tool. I've spent days trying to think of an innovative rating tool, ...
Tommy Adey's user avatar