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Questions tagged [ux-designer]

Concerns and thoughts about being a UX Designer. This is an abstract tag. It may not directly be linked to a specific problem. It caters to being a UX designer and the career aspects of it.

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2 answers

mobile app usability - UX design

what to do in this case, users feel the text is overwhelming and not organized, should I put the fields under each other? but all other sections are in the design of this field, If I did so would that ...
Engy Abdelkhaleq's user avatar
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2 answers

How to account for an unknown number of profiles in an icon legend?

So im currently developing a to-do list of sorts which can be filtered by category. Both category and profiles have an unknown number since users can add as many as they want. This means the ...
Gene's user avatar
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When dealing with a large data list, is it considered bad UX to make the user manually refresh to update the list?

I am dealing with a large list of items right now. For the sake of this question, it will simply show whether a device is online or offline (there is a lot more data, but those items are more static ...
Gene's user avatar
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Should UX researchers provide design recommendations?

I'm a fairly new UXR. Recently, I created a presentation deck with recommendations after testing a website. Before presenting I ran the deck by a friend who told me my recommendations might be too ...
Jivin Jawanda's user avatar
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What is the difference between UX Engineer, UX Designer and Front End Developer? [closed]

I often find these designations as quite confusing and most of the companies in my country have various definition about each of the above mentioned post. I was curious what is the requirement from ...
Usama Jawed's user avatar
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How do you call top block with user info on a profile screen?

There is this block in every social media app, on a user profile screen. It contains user's userpic, name and other info, before their content starts below it. How do UX designers and developers call ...
Daniel Vorobyov's user avatar
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What are the best ways to give design feedback to mobile app developers? [closed]

I'm product designer working remotely with a team of iOS & android app developers on a redesign project of their mobile app. The final designs are done on Adobe XD. The redesigned app looks great ...
Arun Antony's user avatar
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Forms: Creating one item before another

What would be the best UX for a situation where one set of records cannot exist without another. Take a scenario in an application where a child can be connected to zero or more parents. If a user ...
George's user avatar
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Monitoring Dashboard

I did system monitoring dashboard for on winforms and website. I stucked on 2 points ; 1-) All the controls in the dashboard page are real time data. However In first look, Users doesn't understand ...
john true's user avatar
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UX portfolio guidelines [closed]

I have a simple question for you... I would like to create an UX portfolio, but I don not have any idea where to start. I already have a Front-End/Web Designer portfolio, but I would like to include ...
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How show content that is locked to unregistered users

I have a website with a block of text available only for registers users. The structure is something like this: -Title available for all users -Text available only for registered users and panel ...
Fel's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I use border or not for our help images? [closed]

We are developing an E-Commerce website, and our content team are writing user guide or help of the website. there are some screen-shots of the website in each help pages. Some of our team members ...
Mohammad Kermani's user avatar
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UX/UI Designer vs Programmer productive workflow on iOS [closed]

We are a remote team of 60 people and we have two UX/UI Designers that are in process of migration from Web to iOS development. I'm having a hard time managing the relationship between developers (...
ppaulojr's user avatar
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4 answers

wrong UX design process?

I'm a new UI/UX designer at a company, and it's my first UX job. I could really use some advice on my design process. When I joined the team, they gave me a week-long task (trial-period) to work on a ...
Md Nazmul Hossain's user avatar
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In the App I designed, there is a carousel component that can be swiped horizontally, but facing an accessibility issue, how can I solve it?

In the App I designed, there is a component that can be swiped horizontally, but the accessibility team said that the functionality is not operable using a single pointer and without requiring a ...
Ph X's user avatar
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Can I call mysely UX-Designer in a project without real users? [closed]

My team and I are developing an map-based website for a client, which merges a lot of geographical information onto the map. The project itself is so innovative (not meant to sound snobbish here), ...
delUXedesign's user avatar
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Is it necessary to include the individuals interviewed during the empathy and ideation stages in your usability study?

Before you head right into the research study, you are required to gather information of your target audience through the use of interviews. The participants of your initial research during these ...
J. Dupo's user avatar
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What are standard ways to indicate that an item is being deleted?

I have a PWA that stored rather large amount of data in IndexedDB, and when a user decides to delete parts of it, it takes a lot of time (10-30 sec, even a minute). Currently, when the user click ...
Hodossy Szabolcs's user avatar
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Should "search" in a large data table search item's values that aren't in the table?

So I currently have a data table where the headers are fully customizable (i.e. the user can decide which headers to keep in the table and which to remove). The issue is, the search bar currently only ...
Gene's user avatar
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Is it OK to mix dark and light backgrounds in an app?

I am designing an app that is 90% light themed. Except for this one action where user has to create a document of sorts and has to fill in some information. I felt that this was a crucial part of the ...
zer0's user avatar
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Create UX Case study with Heuristic Evaluation but no user research

I have performed heuristic evaluation on a couple of websites and have them recorded on my notepad. I am re-designing the screens as per my findings from the heuristic evaluation. Could you help me ...
Ay_An's user avatar
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How to decide which research method to be used?

Quick summary: I'm working on a product that provides accommodation booking (hotels, apartments, houses etc). The team wants to implement a comparison module to the property details page which offers ...
brunodd's user avatar
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Transition from UX Personas to Functional Documentation to Development

I have recently been exposed to the world of UX/UI and ID. I have been critic of the practice of spending too much time on documentation as compared to the development. However, I have now realized ...
Lagrangian 's user avatar
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Accessibility guidelines for Mobile Apps

Can you recommend me a guide or book for making apps focused on people with vision problems? Some kind of accessibility guidelines. I know there are some guidelines in the iOS/Android documentation, ...
libranner's user avatar
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Is there a name for X Day of the month?

Im working on a form for a feature for a report that can have its frequency scheduled set by the user. One of the requests from our product owner is that the user is able to set frequency by a monthly ...
jsrothwell's user avatar
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Stacked Bar Chart Movement User Experience

I have three friends Bob, Sam, and Maya. We all deposit some of our pocket money together to the electronic wallet. On tough time we can move money from each other accounts as Bob can transfer money ...
Sumeet Kumar Yadav's user avatar
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Is there an alternative design pattern for the autocomplete UI interaction [closed]

I have a form in android mobile app which has 3 nested autocomplete each one will depends on the previous one for its value. But the customer wants something better than autocomplete. Since there are ...
Diaa Saada's user avatar
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What is the Best way to show 4 types of buy button in app

This is educational app. Some products having 3 or 4 buttons, example ( Buy e- book, Rental e-book, Buy Chapters, Buy Combo) What is the Best way to show this button in app. IMAGE attached ( ...
Shriram Prakash.M's user avatar
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Switch Dashboards along with menu

I am working on a mobile application which will have two different areas in same app. Suppose: Area 1 -> Learning Management System Area 2 -> School Management System Both areas will have its own ...
umanga shrestha's user avatar
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Is it proper UX practice to mix tab menus in an application that use icons+text with just text tab items?

Each screen has different menu items. The reason being that I decided to use text+icons for one of the screens is cuz the text would be too long if I used the same styling as another screen with only ...
gz17's user avatar
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Is popup or modal window corms suitable for certain scenarios?

I am developing/designing an webapp. It has an employee profile page that displays employee picture, some key information like name, designation and contact details in bigger fonts and below that ...
Saptarshi's user avatar
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Importance of UX in B2C Vs B2B

I'm currently analyzing the impact of UX in B2B and B2C sites. I have identified the focal points of UX in B2C sites whereas I'm not so certain whether those same concepts are directly applicable for ...
Dilshan's user avatar
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How to properly display two values (current/next) in an easy-to-understand way

The Problem I need to display in my app two values, one adjacent to the other. The two values at the moment are displayed like this: 20 / [16] What do they mean? Well, the first value is the current ...
Nick's user avatar
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3 answers

A 101 question about UX and UI and IxD differences [closed]

I came to the field of UX from web development and even though I have an OK photoshop/illustrator background, I'm definitely not a graphic designer. But here the thing: I often see in job descriptions ...
hardnndy's user avatar
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Icon for viewing document that's easy to understand [closed]

The page contains a table and each row's last cell contains a hyperlink which redirects the user to a document. What icon would be best suited in replacing this link to a document? I was thinking ...
C_B's user avatar
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Design for hovering over tile [closed]

I'm creating a portfolio for my websites. I'm going to have tiles that show my work. When you hover over a tile, it will show a title, description, and a preview button. What's the best layout to show ...
Steve's user avatar
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Where to place the close button in Dialog?

In my project I have placed the close button in the Title part of the dialog. Almost my project in the final stage, now there is a design issue that in the absence of Title the empty space looks odd. ...
Pradeep's user avatar
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is functional requirement is necessaryfor wireframing

Is there need of functional requirement for creating wireframe? or low level requirement is enough for wireframe design.
Navin Prakash's user avatar
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what are the differences between Scenario and user stories?

I am confused over scenario and user story! are they same? or they completely different from each other? Thanks & Regards-
Souvik Das's user avatar
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Trying to call for an action. Vertical vs Horizontal

I am trying to follow the concept I found here: I am not sure if I am biased or it is just really not calling my attention. I made 2 versions of it and here are the ...
jen's user avatar
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Best way to display User Profile Dropdown

We have three ways of displaying Profile Drop-downs as shown below. Each one of has its strengths and weaknesses. Is there any other best way to display the Profile Drop-down?
user1794624's user avatar
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Scale to select time period - linear or exponential?

in my app, I need to allow customers to select a period of time between 15 minutes to up to 24 hours. Now, I'm a bit confused of which is the best way to create a scale, linear or exponential. The ...
Nick's user avatar
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Free usability questionnaire templates to follow?

I am a programmer, and whilst I may know a lot about programming - I do not know a lot about UX or usability testing in general. I plan to undertake a usability test on a website that I designed. ...
Stu User's user avatar
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Inherited massive (unusable) matrix of toggle buttons, wwyd?

I have inherited a code base that needs some UX love. One of the worst offenders is a matrix of toggle buttons with several hundred rows and columns. Although there is some basic filtering available ...
kdavie's user avatar
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Search Results in a TreeTable

I Have a TreeTable where groups of itens are organized by categories, as you can see on the image bellow. What is the best approach to present the list of results taking into account that is ...
anglc's user avatar
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How to browse a long list of artists and songs

I have a mobile app that allows you to browse lists of songs: [a][b][c][d][e] Elvis - Song 1 Elvis - Song 2 Elvis - Song 3 Ernie Wood - Song 4 You can jump to the letter to filter based on the first ...
Rick Ratayczak's user avatar
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As a UX designer should I audit the content while someone else is responsible for website content?

I am trying to redesign a website, I started with creating content audit for this website, There is another person who is in charge of website's content (This person has no idea about UX design ...
datisdesign's user avatar
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Feature selector on a pricing component

Currently on our website we has something like this: You can Either chose the main product we sell or an additional feature You can select your contract duration, and Then there's a CTA in the the ...
Petar Brković's user avatar
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Removing the "Copy" Button and Using Gestures to Copy Text in Chatbots

I'm interested in exploring the potential benefits of removing the "Copy" button and instead using a long press gesture to copy text in chatbots. I believe this approach could simplify the ...
Richard García García's user avatar
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Fixing a fraying relationship between UX and Dev [closed]

I will start off by saying that I know the best way to defend design decisions is not to. That's what data (quantitative and qualitative) is for. But the product I'm working on doesn't have that. What ...
wailing_stone's user avatar

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