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Questions tagged [user-expectation]

The attitude that the user develops as a result of previous experience with similar products/service or previous experience with the product/service in question that evolves over time. Tag must be used only when there's a change or shift in an otherwise common user expectation.

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1 answer

How to show advanced search in a mobile view? And also how to take a care of utilizing the space of a mobile screen?

I am trying to get a solution for the mobile version of a web layout for an advanced search which includes dropdowns, filters, checkbox and toggle buttons. I tried to get it in the responsive format ...
Akanksha Kolungade's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is this new insane trend to remove the "order by" feature from websites?

In the last couple of months, two major websites I use have removed the entire basic feature to order the list of items in any way other than by "relevance", if it even mentions what it ...
Prano's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
3 answers

Deselectable radio button or limited checkbox in search filters

I'm currently working on a change request for a search filter we have in our product overview. Our search form has some basic search filters e.g. price range, delivery time,... Our products can also ...
Mosh's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Title and button placement for a Saas product

I'm working as a UX/UI designer at a startup where we have a Saas product. Currently I'm working on making improvements on the design made by a different designer. On our pages we have a Page title ...
Mosh's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is a slight icon inconsistency ok if the icons are clear?

So I am designing something that will tell the user whether something is online or offline. The problem is, I cant decide on a final design for my icons. The various designs look better on different ...
Gene's user avatar
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4 answers

Hide premium features/content or show+lock them?

We are currently building a learning platform that has two membership tiers. Let’s call them basic and premium. With premium you get quite a bit more features and access to additional content. ...
casep's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Human readable Timespan 'ONE MONTH' use 30 days, 28 days or 31?

In an app that measures timespans, I want to express the overall value in a human-readable form. Let's say we are measuring the time a machine runs, idles, is in standby or off. The times are measured ...
iDad's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How to design with toggle options under a form that enable a feature

So I am designing a form where the user enters in an ip address and can either use just the IP address, enter in a range, or a netmask. My initial thought was to grey out the second form on the "...
Gene's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you show multiple error messages specific per row of an XML import?

Currently, I'm working on an import function to migrate users from one system to our system. I've checked the post input, and there is a possibility that there can be 39 error messages per person. In ...
YengarIV's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the most popular shortcut used for custom in-page search on a web site?

I am looking to use javascript to trigger focus on a search field inside a web page when a keyboard shortcut is pressed. People dislike it when ctrl-f is overridden, because it prevents the user from ...
Andrew Parks's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to show that an item in a form is dependent on the previous item

So I am designing a system where you can group different items together. A VNET is a group of edge devices, and in order to get the "TNI/Addr", you need to first select the VNET. I added ...
Gene's user avatar
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1 answer

Greying out disabled items that can be enabled vs items that cannot be enabled

so I am working on a device management system and to add a new device to a group you must input some info into a form. Some items, you must click a check box in order to enable the dropdown, while ...
Gene's user avatar
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2 answers

Disabling a feature until a button is pressed

So I'm creating a dashboard that will allow users to sort through by date as long as the "live monitoring" feature is paused. I created 2 buttons, one for the pause/unpause feature and one ...
Gene's user avatar
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2 answers

Should followers still get the same email settings?

In our platform, we can a concept of "people" that belong to "organizations." These people can have followers. Followers are assigned to people within our internal platform. If a ...
M Bo's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What to show after being rerouted to application from reset password email, but I've logged in

Consider the scenario: I am on the login screen and forget my password. I go to the "forgot password" screen, which asks for my email. I fill it out, and I am sent a 2FA email. Path 1 - &...
Seth Lutske's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Floating action button with two similar functions on different pages

We are designing an app and want to use a floating action button (FAB) in order to add an item to our list. Now this list can be either a "task" or a "reward" depending on what ...
Gene's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to get users to honestly describe work priority

I am designing a tool who's GUI allows scientific users within my company to submit requests for long simulations to be run on a shared, limited compute resource. When the users submit they're request,...
Michael Bird's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Placing a non working icon or menu option in an application

My CEO asks me to place in a MVP (alpha version of a product in production) icons for functionality that does not yet exist. Specifically a filter icon. This way he will be able to tell - when he ...
Iris Green's user avatar
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1 answer

Why should users be allowed to edit cart items directly in the order review step?

The task of going back a few steps in the checkout process to edit a section within the cart is observed to be a cumbersome process. What evidence exists around why allowing the user to edit their ...
Hal's user avatar
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2 answers

Disable buttons while data loading

I have a view in my mobile app with two buttons, before allowing user to click on them I need to wait for some data to load, should I disable them while it happens ? Should I show a loading indicator ...
Sunshine's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Laymen's description of "modals" to clients

Our company runs about 1,000 websites for various clients, and we just implemented a feature that will allow them to create their own modals in a "back end" that we've created for them. ...
Zak's user avatar
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1 answer

PopUp Window Size Guidelines

I am currently working at a project, where I have to specify a pop up window size for a 4k Screen. I am not sure how big I should go with the background of the pop up. Are there any design rules when ...
hvid kanin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Setting a primary service if one gets cancelled

We have an app that allows the user to add multiple services. Example, as a user, I'm able to add multiple "Teachers" to a job that I've created. So essentially, these teachers will be ...
M Bo's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Why do many modern web apps keep adding back functionality?

Is it really creating a good experience if we implement the back button inside the app? If yes, then how? I was unable to understand why users wouldn’t like to use the browser back button. Many new ...
Rishi Shah's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to show two different ways to update the same router? (manual and automatic)

so I am designing a webui for a router and I am struggling with organizing the two different ways to update the router. Here is my mockup: I don't like the way it looks with two different update ...
Gene's user avatar
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1 answer

Archiving. What are the best practices?

We are having a debate about a new feature we want to implement. Our system has a long list of items with five statuses (Public, staged, scheduled, draft, disabled). One of the users' main problems is ...
Deniz Erdal's user avatar
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2 answers

Hiding vs showing an error

I have a form that allows internal users to select from a list of subscribers to send emails to. Each subscriber has their own set of preferences as to which emails they want to be subscribed to. For ...
M Bo's user avatar
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2 answers

Field only required during Edit mode

I have a form that allows the user to add a "Location" for a particular entity. Each location should have an "Assignee." In that sense, the "Assignee" is required, ...
M Bo's user avatar
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1 answer

Reset state proces if I back to first step

I’m thinking about resetting the state after back to init step in the process. For example - In the project, I have two creators to build the automations (if->then condidtion type). In the first ...
Damian Tokarczyk's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Should a tab selection persist after refresh?

We're currently using MUI tabs. If a user selects ITEM TWO in this example, is the expectation to persist this tab after the user refreshes the page? Or should it default back to ITEM ONE?
M Bo's user avatar
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1 answer

Should expired payment methods be automatically deleted?

I recently received a request from my company's customer care department to make this possible since they are facing requests coming from users that don't renew their payment methods. Admittedly, we ...
Kate's user avatar
  • 23
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1 answer

Hiding certain elements from unqualified users

Our product is heavily influenced by local and state laws. Therefore some designs are not relevant to users who live in these unqualified areas. We will broadcast this new feature on the homepage with ...
Lina's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What is the repeated, blurred image background called?

I have a card component with a photo. I don't want any portion of photos to be cut off, but this means narrow/vertical photos will have empty space to the sides. I want to use that blur tiling often ...
djangodev's user avatar
  • 123
0 votes
2 answers

How to display failed records on a table

I’m designing a screen that contains a table which displays files that have been imported into the system automatically. There is a possibility that the entire file will fail (for various reasons) ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 answers

Should one button do 2 actions (GitHub Case Study)?

Case in point - GitHub's "Fork" button. This button used to show all the forks that exist for the current repository but now it doesn't do that anymore. GitHub suddenly changed it to act as ...
Suyash's user avatar
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3 answers

Competitive audit

I am trying to conduct a competitive audit for a project I am working on. I would like to find competitors for a bus seat reservation app, but the country where the app will be shipped doesn't have ...
Endi's user avatar
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1 answer

Can there be 3CTAs at one place with equal weightage?

On the checkout screen there are 3 CTAs, simple checkout Payment with debit card Buy now pay later All three with equal weightage of primary CTA. Is it the right way?
Manoj Nimburkar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

UX/UI for a store/asset library combo.. how to make it easy and useable?

I am working on a product that has a built in asset library. The goal is to access tons of objects in one place in a way our competitors haven’t done well. The tricky part is, there are a) about 2000 ...
Raychel Lepkowski's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

UI for multiclass classification taxonomies and search results

I am confused about how to present multiclass classification taxonomies to the end user on a consumer app. If an item or even an entire subcategory can be classified under different parent categories, ...
ahron's user avatar
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1 answer

Accordion vs collapsable section

Is there any difference in accordions vs collapsable sections? Can we say that accordions have data, and collapsable sections have a layout? But, how do we visually differentiate between them? The ...
CookieWookie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Managing Recurring Bookings (allowing how many & cancellation of monthly membership)

I am new here. I thought I give it a shot. I am a product manager in a Startup offering a service that can be booked by clients on a monthly membership basis. I want to offer recurring bookings but in ...
Katharina's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Changing the user's email address

We have a dashboard that our users log into using their email and password. We don't currently have the ability to allow them to change their own email address (login). Sometimes, a user may contact ...
M Bo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What to do when user is offline?

I am working on an app where there is a function for driving directions - the user chooses their preferred map app (Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze), then they are sent to that app with the address ...
LisaR's user avatar
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1 answer

Why don’t some SaaS buy buttons go to checkout?

I’m seeing a trend when looking at pricing pages for online saas applications. When you see a tier with the price and features you want you can hit the “purchase” call to action button. But, instead ...
Scott's user avatar
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1 answer

Neckbeard dev seeks answers to form accessibility brief: conditional input zones on ∞ rows

Forgive me for having a bit of difficulty articulating the UI and design goals that I've been handed, but I need to appeal to the hive mind to find out best practice re usability and accessibility for ...
orionrush's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Position/order for "Low", "Medium", "High" options

Is there any convention about positions/order to display options buttons/radio- buttons/checkboxes for values as: "Very low","Low", "Medium", "High", "Very ...
Daniel Perez's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How to align user needs and business goals?

Seeking a good answer on how user needs and business goals can be aligned. I'm also looking for practical methods for accomplishing this. Please advise.
shemin krishnan's user avatar
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1 answer

Consider a scenario where I have setup autopay. In case I want to edit the settings, what should the ideal behaviour be? Should it load an empty form?

In such a case should the "Edit" button lead to an empty form or should it show the form with populated fields based on their previous settings?
Rashmi's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Drawing on Mobile with fingers: magnifier or offset from finger location?

We are working on a "remove objects from photos" app, where the users highlight/select a part of an image they want to remove and the app takes care of it. Precision is sort of important ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the best way to show that a score of 5/10 is what the user should have as a goal to achieve?

I am working on a project in which we will have a scale that at one end has one extreme, and at the other another extreme. When we give the user a score, we want to display that a 5/10 (50% in the ...
Mar's user avatar
  • 11

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