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3 answers

Approaches to indicate and handle new items from websocket on a live news feed

I have a live news feed that looks like this. I have data coming in continuously from websockets as long as you are on the page Currently I show a button when there are non zero new items and they get ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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2 answers

Notifications on iOS vs Android

In a progressive HTML5 Webapp, is it OK for the Android Version to have notifications and the iOS version not? Seems a bit off, but iOS does not allow notifications for webapps. Should I use an ...
Timur Nacre's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A good way to manage notifications read/unread in my social network

I'm building a social network that triggers some notifications to the user regarding friends' comments, similar to Facebook notifications. The notification simply serves as an alert, meaning that it'...
Mik378's user avatar
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