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3 answers

Redesigning our searchbar

Our users are having trouble with our search bar. They don't realize they need to click the search icon to start searching. To make it clearer, I've come up with three solutions: A. Replace the icon ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it better to allow filtering using a dropdown or tabs?

I'm working on an app that allowed users to filter their photos based on time period. Between a dropdown and tabs, which one is best for the user? Dropdown: Tabs: The advantage of using tabs is its ...
M Bo's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the benefits of enlarging the address bar when focused?

I recently noticed that when Firefox focuses on the address bar, it expands the address bar. I thought this had a UI / UX benefit as it was a visual change. However, no literature was found on them. ...
Chweiz's user avatar
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3 answers

How to convey the user that some of the form fields cannot be changed later?

I have a form wizard some input fields. On the first step of the wizard, there are 2 checkboxes which once the form has been submitted, cannot be edited. All other fields can be edited later on if the ...
Ashwin Nepal's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Should I make space for error messages in forms?

I'm designing an mobile app for both iOS and Android, which includes a form. The form has several required input fields that the user needs to complete before continuing. If the user clicks Continue ...
NBK's user avatar
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2 answers

Should user entered data on conditional fields be cleared out when a new option is selected?

Let's say you have a radio set and depending on your selection, you will conditionally be presented with a text field to enter data. You enter data for one selection and then pick a new option, but ...
L. Lemmer's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the best way to let users adjust values that must sum to a certain number?

I have four values that are a percentage of a whole, and I want the user to be able to edit these values. These four numbers must sum to 100.00 (any precision after that is unimportant) and the values ...
zach's user avatar
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6 votes
8 answers

Is it a "Natural language" form a good practice?

A good UX for a form is one that makes it easy and fast to use. An experimental form like this, that uses natural language instead of the usual form display seems to be simple to use and creative, but ...
Madalina Taina's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Best approach for users to post content under categories

I want users to post questions or content under available categories and I have come up with the following idea: download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups I believe that ...
Zerotoinfinity's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

In a form, should full sentences or just "labels" be used to specify what information should go in each section?

It would seem to be common for labels to be used beside input fields instead of asking an explicit question, to convey what information the user should fill out a form with. Since this is common ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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51 votes
5 answers

To clear (or not to clear) the search box?

We are having a discussion at the office today, about when to clear (or not to clear) a search box from its input. Is there a preferred approach, something that the user expects? Like emptying the ...
efrethe's user avatar
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2 answers

Should tags be inside or outside the input field

So tagging inputs are pretty common but there are generally 2 different approaches I see for displaying the tags: The tags are below the input outside of the type-able space: The tags are inside the ...
ryanzec's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Do users like icons on an input field?

Icons on input field Input field without icons Do icons really matter on an input field? Do they encourage users signing up?
Cøde Play's user avatar
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32 votes
8 answers

Is there a recommended size for search boxes?

Do users change their search patterns if the search is shorter? Do users search less if the search box is too large? The only article I'd found is a 2009 Smashing Magazine article: The [Nielsen] ...
Eliot Hill's user avatar
0 votes
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Why not allow numeric fields to do arithmetic computation?

Is there some reason to disallow arithmetic operation in numeric and other similar inputs? Or is it just lazyness of implementation. Some examples: I can not write an order for 6 bolts for 17 ...
joojaa's user avatar
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4 answers

How to deal with superfluous numbers in input text fields?

I'm working on input textfields for lab assistants, e.g. a textfield to enter a temperature value (in a custom designed UI, not a web-site). Users don't have to enter the Celsius or Fahrenheit unit, ...
Tafkadasoh's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Should I display Edit/Delete Buttons when only one field is editable?

I know there's a lot of questions out there asking where to place the edit/delete buttons in a row. My question is if there is only one field of data that is editable in a row, does it make sense to ...
nuwa's user avatar
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3 answers

How do users react to Bootstrap's uneditable-input class?

Bootstrap supplies a class .uneditable-input, which can be applied to a span/label/text/etc to mimic the appearance of a disabled text input. Bootstrap describes it as: "Uneditable inputs: Present ...
Rob DiMarzo's user avatar