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Indicating scrollable overflowing content - dark ui

As one can't indicate that an overflowing container is scrollable with a (dark) shadow gradient at the bottom of the element, what are desirable options to do so? We are looking for options without ...
Ludo's user avatar
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Seeking Help with a UI Pattern for Segment Selection in Analytical System

My team and I are currently working on developing an analytical system that employs a segment-based filtering mechanism. In essence, this system shares similarities with Google Analytics, where ...
Vee's user avatar
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3 answers

Where should I redirect after filling a "creation" form?

HI hope y'all doing well I have an app where users need to create different items. There's a page that displays all the items created that as a "Create new..." button. The user's path: ...
Larry's user avatar
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Should the "open new window" icon ever be the only way to click a link?

I have a request from a user to remove the link from the text and ONLY have the "open new window" icon be what is clickable for that link. The reason is that the text is something he wants ...
Kristen Yerardi's user avatar
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How to ask for user's birth date with OAuth?

I'm developing a site that requires a user's birthday (both to validate they are over 18 and for use by other users). Asking for a birthday with an email registration form is trivial. Simply just add ...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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Change main screen/section of product depending on user progression with product

Is it possible to create a product where the main section (where users land after login) changes depending on the progresses made by the users with the product? I'm currently working on a career ...
Blooba's's user avatar
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Should we anticipate when the user is asking for the menu when we hide the navigation on scroll?

A lot of websites nowadays, admittedly more so in desktop view, (which is now seen by fewer thanks to the world of mobile) hide the navigation bar when you scroll down. This is a good thing as it ...
David's user avatar
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When should an inherited design pattern be avoided?

I'm currently working on a fairly old product that has been partially reworked 2 or 3 times by different teams. This has left the interface somewhat fragmented with different design patterns used in ...
Afterfield's user avatar
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What type of pattern is this called?

Recently I've across some website and they were using this pattern. What is this pattern called? PFA image.
NB4's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a Card component also for edit

On our UI, we are presenting the user his saved credit cards as a list of Card components, each saved card represented as a card. The user can save up to 5 cards which will be presented in two rows, ...
noadavi's user avatar
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What is the purpose of zippers with double sliders in cases?

I noticed in most cases from medium to big size there are usually double zippers. These don't normally appear in small cases. What is the benefit of double zippers in contrast to single ones? Only ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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Sharing link to software installer

When sharing a link to a software installer what is the preferred UX pattern, to share a link to a download page or a direct link to the downloadable executable? Using GIMP as an example... GIMP ...
Michael Hogan's user avatar
5 votes
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"Inclusive/Additive" vs. "Exclusive/Reductive" filtering - How to differentiate?

I'm working on an HR application where admins can define the scope of a user's role based on their location and organization. So as in the example below, a role may be limited to the "Los Angeles" ...
phauwn's user avatar
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Should I make an effort to prevent trivia questions from being repeated too quickly?

I'm coding up a fairly simple trivia game. Right now, I have about 350 different pairs of questions and answers. Each question is chosen at random from the 350 before it is displayed. While it's ...
Blacklight Shining's user avatar
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Should social media links open in a new tab or window?

Is it advisable that social media links (facebook, twitter, etc) will open in a new tab? Does it depends on the number of social media links?, What if there were only 3 social media links?, should I ...
Vincent Panugaling's user avatar