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Research around users navigating native app then being redirected to a web page

I'm looking for some research on the following scenario: users are navigating within a native app - they want to purchase some addons They press on the get addons button and then they are then ...
MushyMarshmello's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Notifications on iOS vs Android

In a progressive HTML5 Webapp, is it OK for the Android Version to have notifications and the iOS version not? Seems a bit off, but iOS does not allow notifications for webapps. Should I use an ...
Timur Nacre's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this mobile slide menu user-friendly?

I am creating a Learn Norwegian language app for both iOS and Android. The app consists of 4 chapters, each chapter has a sub category, for example, Pronunciation, Exercise, Grammar etc. My problem ...
Charm Geld's user avatar
5 votes
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what is a actual user experience for web apps functionality "add to your home screen"? [closed]

Good day all. I'm researching this topic for a while and I'm a bit confused, the question is: is there a "standard" user experience for a web app that has to e saved into the user phone? what I mean: ...
Matteo Bononi 'peorthyr''s user avatar
2 votes
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Standard margins in iOS for info display

I've read the iOS Human Interface Guidelines at least 2 times today, but I don't find what are the guidelines for spacing or margin between views. I come from an Android guidelines perspective where ...
Christopher Francisco's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Where is the best place to put Terms & Conditions in a sign-up flow?

I am creating an app that when the user taps a certain action button such as "Follow" they are taken through the login flow. Included in the login flow is 1) Asking for Facebook permission 2) ...
Andrea Tate's user avatar
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