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A ripple animation to make the user aware of a new or unknown feature

There's a UI technique I've previously seen on apps where a new feature or otherwise a feature unknown to the user has some kind of round ripple animation the size of a fingertip on it to indicate to ...
Zero's user avatar
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1 answer

Research around users navigating native app then being redirected to a web page

I'm looking for some research on the following scenario: users are navigating within a native app - they want to purchase some addons They press on the get addons button and then they are then ...
MushyMarshmello's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

User-friendliness vs. conformity (with an app)

I have two apps: App #2 reads text files to display 3D objects with specific coordinates (e.g. a sphere, a cube, a pyramide and a cylinder) in a VR environment with each file having its own unique ...
Neph's user avatar
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1 answer

What should be the Security Pattern for Wallet App?

I'm in early stages of developing an Android app for Wallet. I need to be clear about security options I should use. I have a couple of Options listed. Help choose a user-friendly option or suggest ...
Zaryab Waseem's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Notifications on iOS vs Android

In a progressive HTML5 Webapp, is it OK for the Android Version to have notifications and the iOS version not? Seems a bit off, but iOS does not allow notifications for webapps. Should I use an ...
Timur Nacre's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

android visual clue/hint that long-tap is available for a control

I am implemnting an app that can tag photos The listview-items contain 3 image-buttons and a text. If user long-taps on a list-view-item-button there will be additional functionality (menu or dialog)....
k3b's user avatar
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2 answers

Android app filtering UX problem - How to combine tab filters with date filters?

I hope to get some help for the following problem.. I have a following ux: It's pretty standard Android Material Design style toolbar. User can search entities, and also filter it by swiping ...
daneejela's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Should the internal storage of a phone/tablet be referred to as "SD card" in the UI?

I help novice users with their Android devices. When browsing through the file system, many of them get confused about the fact that the internal storage (or rather, the emulated part they have access ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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1 answer

In Android quick settings menu why is Cellular data on/off option in a second screen?

In the quick settings menu that slides down from Android, all settings are activated or deactivated tapping the icon. With the exception of the sounds settings which needs to be choosen between 3 ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is this mobile slide menu user-friendly?

I am creating a Learn Norwegian language app for both iOS and Android. The app consists of 4 chapters, each chapter has a sub category, for example, Pronunciation, Exercise, Grammar etc. My problem ...
Charm Geld's user avatar
5 votes
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what is a actual user experience for web apps functionality "add to your home screen"? [closed]

Good day all. I'm researching this topic for a while and I'm a bit confused, the question is: is there a "standard" user experience for a web app that has to e saved into the user phone? what I mean: ...
Matteo Bononi 'peorthyr''s user avatar
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2 answers

Infinite scrolling within a tabbed listview on Android

Is it a good experience to give an infinite scrolling view across tabs in Android if there are tabbed list views in the app? Basically if a user scrolls through a list in a tabbed view, the tab auto ...
Vrashabh Irde's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

User Experience for Comparing two Photos

I want to allow users to compare two Photos with some text to accompany placed next to each other and allow the users to vote. I want to allow Users to be able to choose which of the two dishes they ...
Harsha M V's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

is it good idea to have some music play on App Launch

I am developing an Android that is based on bodybuilding and my launch screen currently consists of a video of some athletes training in the background. The background score is reasonably good and ...
TheBlueNotebook's user avatar
0 votes
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How to handle complicated monthly repeat options

This is related to this question I asked here earlier. I want to handle the full range of options for monthly reminders in my Android app. So I handle: Repeat on the day of the month (e.g. the 17th ...
TBridges42's user avatar
2 votes
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Standard margins in iOS for info display

I've read the iOS Human Interface Guidelines at least 2 times today, but I don't find what are the guidelines for spacing or margin between views. I come from an Android guidelines perspective where ...
Christopher Francisco's user avatar
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2 answers

User expectation for deleting an entry in listview Android?

My requirement for an Android app is to show an alert dialog when a user deletes an entry from the listview. Is it really necessary to show a dialog for deleting a single entry or is it enough to ...
Saran's user avatar
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Android design convention for saying a user needs to complete an action first?

I've read the Android design conventions, but can't see a good solution. I have a 3 tab mobile application. Tabs 2 and 3 need a selection made on screen 1 before they will work. The user enters at ...
Andelad's user avatar
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Are there Android design conventions for an empty screen? [duplicate]

I am designing an application with 3 screens, each on their own tab. Screens 2 and 3 require data to be inputted on Screen 1 before they work. The app will open at Screen 1. Are there any conventions ...
Andelad's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best way to show categories to the user according to Google's Material Design?

I have a list of categories like Food, Shopping, Electronics etc.. , which I am thinking of showing these as the main activity to the user. I think of showing the categories as a Grid View or a Table ...
gogs09's user avatar
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4 answers

Where is the best place to put Terms & Conditions in a sign-up flow?

I am creating an app that when the user taps a certain action button such as "Follow" they are taken through the login flow. Included in the login flow is 1) Asking for Facebook permission 2) ...
Andrea Tate's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Is the use of hamburger button in Google material design an example of a bad user experience?

I have constantly found numerous issues with hamburger button, like: People tend to show a lot of options with them. It takes at least twice as many taps to change sections. Hamburger button is also ...
steve's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Toast message or dialog message for displaying internet connection error message on application

We are designing a new android application. The app is in its initial stage of architectural design and UI definition. One of the main question is how to display internet connection error message, On ...
saakian's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Android pattern of left aligning in action bar

The design guideline for Android action bars is to left align the text or branding of the app, as opposed to center alignment in iOS. Other than the fact that it increases familiarity with other ...
abhinavc's user avatar
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