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Position/order for "Low", "Medium", "High" options

Is there any convention about positions/order to display options buttons/radio- buttons/checkboxes for values as: "Very low","Low", "Medium", "High", "Very ...
Daniel Perez's user avatar
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Form fill by viewing document on same UI

What could be the best UI desing if we need to provide a user a single UI where user can view the document uploaded at the backend and fill the form by viewing the details available in the documents. ...
Sophia Wilson's user avatar
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3 answers

Can a contact form be too short?

So we all know how much users dislike completing forms... even when it's to get to something they see value in. We're told that, in a general sense, the shorter the form, the better the chance of ...
Daveh0's user avatar
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Best way to ask frequently used infromation?

I have a requirement for a web form (desktop) where user is asked to enter "Three Frequently Dialed Numbers (Last 30 days)". What would be the best way to handle this? Three different input fields or ...
imakesoft's user avatar
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Tabbed form - horizontally stacked sections

I have a product edit form that i've broken into tabs. General information about the screen: This is product edit screen; creation is handled in other place. When on this screen, all products will, ...
tlzg's user avatar
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0 in count field for number of rows to display per page in a table view

I have a count field in my page whose screenshot is attached. When I enter 0 it lists all the records and doesn't show the 0 in the count field. What is the standard way or user satisfactory way to ...
Pranay Pondichery's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Nesting checkboxes inside a radio button: Is there a better way?

I'm building an application that allows users to fill out a self assessment of their business. We'd like to give users the ability to print their work with a few options: Print all questions/...
rickymetz's user avatar
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8 answers

Is it a "Natural language" form a good practice?

A good UX for a form is one that makes it easy and fast to use. An experimental form like this, that uses natural language instead of the usual form display seems to be simple to use and creative, but ...
Madalina Taina's user avatar
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3 answers

Complex form: Accordion + vertical navigation menu + back/next

I have seen some wireframes from some colleagues asking the user to fill out some very complex forms. They have seperated the forms in "sections" (which is a good idea). Further they introduced a ...
mosquito87's user avatar