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Improving confusing product permission settings UI with explicit / implicit multi options

I have a product permission settings component that allows users to include/exclude companies' current and future products. Many users find the current UI confusing based on feedback. Below is an low ...
Daniele Longo's user avatar
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1 answer

Yes/No Button Toggle Design

So, 2 design options for how to style the toggle button for Y/N answers. There could be anywhere from 4-12 questions on a single page. Which one is better and why? (I have a few thoughts on this ...
BGraphix's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Table with a column of toggles and the ability to select or deselect all at once

I have a a table with a column represent with a toggle. I need to let the customer an ability to select or deselect them all at once. Did someone tackle this use case? I try some ideas, like toggle ...
Ronent's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I design this toggle button to make more sense?

I have this toggle button that toggles whether "trails" are on or not. Currently, I have one button that changes it's own text to toggle the state from "ON" to "OFF". I'...
itsisaac19's user avatar
1 vote
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Show/Hide Toggle for a Toggle

We have a toggle available in our main screen, to enable/disable an important functionality. Since, only 30% of our users use this functionality at least once per month, we are considering to (...
Dimi's user avatar
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Improvement of current & active suborg information dropdown

currently, I'm redesigning a component where big organizations that consist of smaller sub-organizations are able to switch between the organizations (by choosing organization as a current) to preview ...
Lorelei Heckmann's user avatar
3 votes
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How to allow editing while still being disabled?

I'm currently working on settings for a tool that sits on top of client websites (something similar to Intercom chat). The settings are presented as a list of "cards" similar to the example ...
Rohrski's user avatar
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Usability of toggles as a filter or sorting mechanism

I looked up a website (page link here) and noticed this at the bottom of the page (one of the few times that I managed to scroll that far): It shows a toggle being used to sort the comments added at ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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3 answers

How to solve the ambiguity of selected state in a segmented control with just two segments?

I'm working on a web application that has two similar data grids in a page. User should be able to switch between these two data grids within the same page. I have used segmented buttons to navigate ...
Sooraj MV's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it a bad practice for a required switch to start without having any option checked?

I currently have several (required) components in a form, in which I must select only one option (of the 2 that exist). The previous designer used a switch, however the first time none of the 2 is ...
Kely Martinez's user avatar
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2 answers

Using switch to update the choice

I am working on a mobile app which has an update settings page. For one of the settings, values can be entered either using UI1 or UI2 (2 different ways) By default, UI1 is displayed, as it is ...
naven's user avatar
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2 answers

How to handle state of a toggle switch?

I'm wondering about how to create a useful implementation of a toggle switch. (think iOS style: ) It is meant to be used in web applications. Because of that, an important point is, that after ...
Sascha's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Toggle Switch with Delayed State Change

As seen in the very popular answer:"Should a toggle button show its current state or the state to which it will change?", we have very good guidelines for implementing toggle buttons. Unfortunately, ...
Nicholas Miller's user avatar
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Show or hide password - icon or textual?

Allowing the user to toggle visibility is becoming a more standardised part of forms, and in my opinion for good reason. I'm however unsure what the best way to denote this ability is; an icon or a ...
Wendy Wojenka's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to best filter data with multiple toggle buttons?

We have a web app that displays a list of items as tiles. Each item can have zero to many 'tags' which can be used to filter items using a row of toggle-able buttons at the top of the page. There will ...
Woodwoerk's user avatar
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Can there be nested toggle?

Can we have a nested toggle, which would function like "Select All" or vice versa? It's similar to a check box, but will be shown using toggle button. But there is a problem: If I've selected a ...
NB4's user avatar
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Best way to toggle between scheduling options

I have two options available to my users. The first option allows them to schedule their own dates. The second option allows them to open and close a time window manually. They can only choose one or ...
Lindsay's user avatar
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In Android quick settings menu why is Cellular data on/off option in a second screen?

In the quick settings menu that slides down from Android, all settings are activated or deactivated tapping the icon. With the exception of the sounds settings which needs to be choosen between 3 ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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3 answers

Toggle button VS Explicit Option button?

We have a booking page in our Mobile application which shows all the bookings made by a user. Recent bookings are stored in the App itself hence no need to make any server call and can be shown ...
learner's user avatar
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Filtering option with 3 states

I'm working on a filtering capability for venues. One group of filter options requires me to account for 3 different states. Unselected (neutral, user doesn't have a preference) Selected, Yes ...
The Waldorf's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there any attempt to standardize a "cancel" action in elevator buttons?

I live in a country where only a few (I've heard of 2 or 3) elevators has the option to toggle back a pressed button in order to cancel the request. Of course, I'm waiting for all elevator buttons ...
Eliran Malka's user avatar
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Using different checkbox style for different checkbox behavior

I'm not sure on which control to use on this case. Is it confusing to have two different checkbox styles that behave in different ways? (note: this is just a small part of a whole bunch of filters ...
Taly Emmanuela's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Night/Day Mode Toggle

I'm working on a website that features a "day" mode and a "night" mode that the user can toggle between. The day mode will have a light background with dark text, the night mode will have a dark ...
Matthew Moore's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Ternary Switch - How to implement?

My website gives users a report for their search term, this report contains many different datasets. Each dataset can be configured via options on their profile page, to either; Load when the report ...
Will Hawker's user avatar