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Segmented control vs toggle switch

We have a dashboard that allows a user to see all jobs belonging to their firm. These jobs are split into two tabs: Upcoming jobs Requested jobs (but haven't been yet been confirmed by us. Once it's ...
M Bo's user avatar
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2 answers

Tabs or toggle to switch between contact forms?

I have a 1-pager with the primary objective being to have the (somewhat-qualified) user initiate contact of some sort. IT is for a SUPER, super small business, so a direct phone call would be both ...
Daveh0's user avatar
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Ideas for placing tab-specific actions

I've got the following tabbed interface Each tab is a scrollable list of items that can be marked as checked or not. You can click on the blue button on the top right to add a new item to the ...
kei's user avatar
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Using tags on the products page

I have a question about the products page navigation. At this moment it is sorted in the tabs f.e. vendor, kit, performance etc. When you open the vendors tab there is categorization by the vendors ...
StemaxSD's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why does this UI (Google Translate) have a set of toggle buttons instead of radio buttons?

Saw this on Google Translate, where Google uses these segmented controls (or toggle buttons) for listing the languages. Unlike those present in other products such as Google Calendar or Faceboook ...
Anusha's user avatar
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Toggle Buttons vs Tabs

What are the problems with using toggle buttons instead of of tabs? I have a design where action buttons and tabs share the same row. I have 1 row with action buttons in it. In this same row I will ...
stephenz's user avatar
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