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Improving confusing product permission settings UI with explicit / implicit multi options

I have a product permission settings component that allows users to include/exclude companies' current and future products. Many users find the current UI confusing based on feedback. Below is an low ...
Daniele Longo's user avatar
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4 answers

Choosing sub-categories of a category to be observed or ignored

I'm working on an AI that can detect people and certain vehicles from a camera feed. The user can configure which of these "objects" they want to monitor. They can choose either people, ...
Chris's user avatar
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4 answers

"Intermediate" state of a two-level toggle/switch control

EDIT: The pizza example below is not my use case, it was merely used for demonstration. My use case contains grouped system options that can either be turned on/off completely as a group or be turned ...
Big_Chair's user avatar
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Configuring an item in a list of items

The Ask: Working on a problem where I have to be able to select/enable various levels for an individual item (box). Perhaps what I have is not that bad. Issue is there might be 10+ items (box) in ...
Destructo's user avatar
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What are the benefits of using grouped or toggle buttons rather than radio buttons?

I'm dealing with lots of complex search forms. When should I use grouped (toggle) buttons in place of radio buttons? Other than the fact that I find grouped buttons cleaner and easier to click on, I'm ...
Mopo123's user avatar
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Toggle-Buttons mutually exclusive and multiple selection combined

I have the following dilemma: I have 3 toggle buttons (for filtering a list) which have the same hierarchy weight. Button A and B are mutually exclusive, means if I select button A, button B will be ...
Jay R's user avatar
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6 votes
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What should a toggle switch do when using a multi-select?

When an item in a list has one of two possible states, how should the toggle switch behave when items have been selected that have different states? Neither action is dangerous, but it may act on ...
JohnGB's user avatar
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